FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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i read 1st page Ricky

but what i am saying you are not getting

anyways best of luck for new features

we will wait

but try to fix ftp speed asap

you know about hotfile i think so , so i am really worried about my last host
Hey Ricky, I found a bug...

On my file manager, there are some files that I can copy with no problems at all, but there's one (that's why I found this bug), that I can't copy.

Any ideas? It's not due to the storage, that's for sure.
Chill out, man. My bug is a simple one: it's just happening on a specific file. It doesn't make me angry or anything That's just a bug :)

Then again, I couldn't be more happy with Fileserve. I've got to thank Ricky for all the time and effort.
Well an excelent option to the ftp, is the "file & image uploader" works superfine


The up speed is the same or greater than ftp
The files apears in the filemanager inmediately after the upload was finished
You can upload at the same time the amount of files that you want
The soft give to you the links inmediatelly
With the ftp the files some times cant be copied in the filemanager, with this all the files can be copied.

You must give a donation to unlook the uploads to fileserve.
The upload from 2gb files some times is reset at the begining when the upload of the file is finishing, and starts from cero again, but finally the file is uploaded


i make a mistake, the files from 2gb cant be uploaded with this program, i am so screwed, the ftp works really bad and the web upload dont work.... This files has been put in the web uploader 15min ago and look:

Once again, there are staggering numbers of failed remote uploads... more than half the total number fail now. It's a total joke.

Conversely, with FSonic I don't have this problem even with the exact same links- so you can rule out a problem with the filehost I'm remoting from. I use the same links I use for FS, but Filesonic completes all of them within 5 minutes. FS on the other hand... 5-6 hours later and still dozens of failed uploads, the only way to get them all done is by repeating the process of adding link after link until, if I'm really lucky, they might all get done.

FS... you have huge potential, but you have a number of bugs & problems. The file manager is cumbersome to say the least; the site is generally VERY slow; sometimes when I move files to folders, it takes hours for them to appear IF AT ALL; remote uploading is a harrowing experience...

If you think my problems are an isolated case, you can check my account. Username is follz20

Please read the first post again, ricky has said that Fileserve will be updating their system for the next 3 weeks so there WILL be problems. You just need to calm down and wait, things will be sorted out
Once again, there are staggering numbers of failed remote uploads... more than half the total number fail now. It's a total joke.

Conversely, with FSonic I don't have this problem even with the exact same links- so you can rule out a problem with the filehost I'm remoting from. I use the same links I use for FS, but Filesonic completes all of them within 5 minutes. FS on the other hand... 5-6 hours later and still dozens of failed uploads, the only way to get them all done is by repeating the process of adding link after link until, if I'm really lucky, they might all get done.

FS... you have huge potential, but you have a number of bugs & problems. The file manager is cumbersome to say the least; the site is generally VERY slow; sometimes when I move files to folders, it takes hours for them to appear IF AT ALL; remote uploading is a harrowing experience...

If you think my problems are an isolated case, you can check my account. Username is follz20


g0t first page?

Also remote upload has fuck-all to do with us. That's others banning/timing us out. Our remote upload works as any normal anonymous downloader. The purpose of the remote upload feature is to make a series of backups. Not to grab files from people you don't even know.

We could do like HF. Use 1 server at a time to grab 1 file at a time. Sounds better? Then we can also add the progress bar that everyone is fiending ;)

Anyway, nothing will happen until we have updated our system with the tweaks. Then anything else comes as priority.
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All this talk about failed uploads etc. makes me wonder how come so many files actually end up on the accounts. The percentage of failed files must be L O W. That's the only conclusion.
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