FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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No problem guys. I hope I don't get to see too many "I haven't been paid on a Monday" questions for next week if we do our payments on a Tues or Weds.

More payments will come out tomorrow fyi.
whats up with FS today? are users getting slow speeds or any problems? i seem to be getting fewer downloads compared to other days even though im getting more traffic....some people i know personally complaining abt the same thing...

what abt the ppl here?
Are the 404 errors back again? I uploaded quite a number of files today and most of them ended up getting the 404 errors... what the heck?
@ rey2k5: The servers we got last time weren't configured correctly, so they do have the files, but they're slow which means you'll get 404 (timeout)
Errors should be fixable, yes. Not the same issue as last time's 404. That was the script/coding. This is the config, which shouldn't affect your files unless the datacenter somehow burns the harddrives :)
Yes our storage servers aren't receiving quick speed. We got a temp. solution until we maintain the faulty storages, so hopefully there's some light at the end of the tunnel of today (ETA end of today).

Hang in there peeps :)
@ edvan: We believe with 500GB you should be able to make enough to upgrade to Premium ;)

Nothing will happen if you exceed now that the storage counter isn't counting. You just won't be able to upload new stuff.
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