FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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@ crazybana: Because it stops people from sharing accounts with their best rapidleech buddies.

@ Bloodsucker: There's nothing to fix. Don't logon from 2 different locations. I don't get captcha prompting me when I use my own personal account.

1 account, 1 IP = no captcha
1 account, several IPs = captcha

I haven't done multiple logins, I don't have multiple IP's, I have done absolutely nothing that would cause a captcha to show up on my account.

So, why was I logged out and got this now?! I cannot upload anything or even download, because there is no download manager that recognizes captcha from fileserve.

@ Bloodsucker: There's nothing to fix. Don't logon from 2 different locations. I don't get captcha prompting me when I use my own personal account.

1 account, 1 IP = no captcha
1 account, several IPs = captcha


I have 1 account and no multiple IPs. Did you comprende that Ricky....?

Only I use my fileserve account. No sharing with anyone and no public rapidleeches going around.

So, I ask again, WHY? And HOW to fix this?! How can I fix this (without even having done anything wrong) ?
You can argue this with me day and night and it won't change a thing. I've told you what causes a prompt in captcha and we've solved for people attempting to bruteforce accounts. We can hear the birds sing outside (almost). It's a beautiful day.

And you can download. Logon to via the webpage and download - You don't need my instructions to do that.
Tried that. Download manager doesn't download because of the captcha.

And can't upload through sBorg or my own private rapidleech either because of captcha.

HELP me Ricky! I don't have multiple locations or IP's.

When does this captcha go away?
The captcha isn't prompted when you've already LOGGED in. Which part of that don't you get?

The captcha was applied for LOGIN only when:
1. You tried to bruteforce/enter your details incorrectly
2. You logon from different IPs

So how does that apply to 'download managers don't recognize the captcha'?

IDM runs on cookies, so if you have logged in, it won't cause you any trouble. FSM will be fixed this week.

And this captcha won't go away, so stop trying to argue with me about it.

Again it's the few that speaks the loudest. Here's why
-There's no drop in premium users downloading
-There's no drop in free users downloading
-There's no drop in earnings

So wtf has happened? Nothing besides we stopped a few idiots from trying to bruteforce random accounts.
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So, I didn't login from multiple IP's (I didn't do it, and there's no way that could have happened!), and now I'm stuck with captcha for the rest of my life on my premium account?!
Guys give it a rest a little.Don't try every fucking second to login,delete cookies,relogin,delete,relogin.Leave it for 10 minutes to cool and then try again.I just login with no probs,also uploaded through RL.
Guys give it a rest a little.Don't try every fucking second to login,delete cookies,relogin,delete,relogin.Leave it for 10 minutes to cool and then try again.I just login with no probs,also uploaded through RL.

And did you have captcha before??

Because I already "gave it a rest" for more than half an hour, and stupid captcha is still there. Now, not even my private rapidleech works for fileserve because of this.
1 account, 1 IP = no captcha
1 account, several IPs = captcha


This sucks.... This is worst thing for people who use rapidleech and other service... How we take links from account??? I think I will stop upload to fileserve... Please to remove capcha...

Maybe there need more money... So they start using capcha...
BloodSucker, where is your sBorg hosted? If you use some server hosting for it then you login from multiple IP I guess.

But from my observation it could be that 1 account, accessing from multiple goegraphics location = captcha. Because on one account where you login from two different IP (servers that are hosted in same country) does not bring up captcha. But 2 servers from different countries = captcha.

I can also read complaints on some forums that they cannot download from FS using Jdownloader because of captcha. What percentage of users have this issue I don't know, but I believe the drop in the earnings (at least on my account) have something to do with that.
@ Korisnik: We need more money how? Explain how we can get more money by applying captcha at the login page?
-That logic must come from an 18 months old toddler.
bloodsucker you already said sborg. that means your logging in on two different IP.

don't tell me your ISP is so fast that you can run sborg on your own computer lol
It is quite simple. People use RL to upload and download with. You start running your own personal downloads while trying to do your normal daily routine, you get prompted with a captcha. You don't like that, then I guess you will have to get used to not liking it.

This is not rocket science, do one thing at a time.

I don't get captcha prompt ANYTIME. In fact I asked a friend to login to my account from a different IP in a different country. I logged out and tried to login, captcha. Our system works and it is a beautiful day outside. Thanks
So, there's no way to fix this, not even for rapidleech, nothing?? I guess it doesn't pay off to be an honest user. Other people share accounts, share rapidleech sites, etc...

I don't, and I get captcha.... awesome.

If you weren't an honest user you would have been one of the few that we've disabled.

Now, I've spoken to techs about it and there may be a little finetuning to this, however, the captcha will be here to stay. How do you login to your gmail when you punch your details wrong a few times? Captcha.
This sucks... Every 15 minuts I must login... From same IP from same browser...

I'm premium member almost since you start work... But if this continue I will stop using your service... This is unbelivible...
@ Korisnik: Why you don't stay logged in, is more an issue of why your computer doesn't accept cookies, not our service.

You haven't answered me 'how we need more money' from placing a captcha on the login page? I want to hear your logic behind such accusation.
There is sites witch pay for using capcha on your site...

My computes accept cookie... I'm still oged on filesonic, and other services.. Also on other sites.. Just at your site I have problem... I cant stay login...
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