FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Reseller Program Problem


Can you help me with my problem about FS Reseller Program?

My fileserve username is also mrjasper

This is my problem, I applied as fileserve authorized reseller for the Philippines. I was approved and told to deposit 200 dollars as minimum deposit, I deposited the money using paypal on Sept 30, I emailed Chris that I have deposited the amount, and he also replied that my reseller panel has been finished.

And I also had posted the details of fileserve accounts on my website.

During that time, there was no reseller's list yet, with that I cannot advertise and cannot make full blown effort on selling fileserve because Im hesitant that if the clients will ask if Im authorized reseller, I cannot present proof that I am authorized.

Lately, I knew that fileserve has already posted the resellers list. I immediately emailed your support, and Chris replied:

Once you have deposited AND started selling we will include you.


and this is my reply:

Sir, I already deposited and have posted in my website about fileserve, but they will not buy if they cant verify that I am an authorized reseller.

Their assumption if Im not in the list that Im just pretending to be one of the authorized reseller.

Including me in the list will benefit both fileserve and myself, If they can verify that i am authorized reseller, then they will buy.


But I have not been added on the reseller's list, and I have not received reply from Chris.

FS reseller panel is no use, if Im not in the reseller's list.

Im planning to file dispute with paypal, If I wont receive reply.

RickyFS, I really need your help on this.

Thank you.

Hope to recieve reply as soon as possible.
Hi , just a question. With premium account i should upload faster than free or premium account worth only for download? For uploader what's the benefit have premium account , excpet illimitated space ?
hi, my account has been disabled, i can not login with my username.What can i do ? Can u help me.My username is RecepO

RickyFS : Quote from a member of my forum.He needs help.

Hi, I just joined Fileserve as a premium member last Saturday. When I tried to get to Fileserve site this week, it keeps on telling me that "The Service in temporarily not available for your service area". Can any one give me a hand on this? I stay in Hong Kong.

Thanks a lot in advance.
Very slow upload on
Ping is very unstable on this box too.
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=55 time=67.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=55 time=65.1 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=3 ttl=55 time=65.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=4 ttl=55 time=63.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=5 ttl=55 time=57.6 ms

60+ms instead of 7ms.

EDIT: this may refer to an identical issue like it was with fs442dm, please let the tech know about this.
@ edvan: Nope..FS2FS isn't developed yet. We won't do the normal FS2FS that you know of.

@ namdatviet: I'll request to see if we can get this feature in without having to update to the new file manager.

@ mrjasper: I don't deal with the reseller program.

@ bemabo: No. As a Premium, you support us to keep going.

@ receponer: Nice referrals...Most don't have the cheek to come on here and ask stupidly.

@ xTreme: Don't know how he joined us as a Premium service since we haven't been available for HKG users for over 3 weeks.

@ cober: Forwarded. Thanks
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