FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Thanks Ricky.
FS Down



No astroturfs.

Whats going on and whats the Estimated Downtime?
@ illetyus2: Still a circle image? You'll get approved next week then and paid.

@ Mr.WT: We recommend request before or on Sunday. Get transfer Monday or early Tuesday and then request for payout ASAP.

@ Communism: Looks up from here :)
Just PM'd you a traceroute and hope you pass it to technical to see what the problem is.

I still see the 400: Bad Request on any attempt to reach the site.

EDIT: Ugh... apparently it only happens in firefox..........

Please fix your site for firefox
Just cleared my cache and it's still happening.
Must be something more fundamental.
Since this literally happened in the middle of a session in firefox that I was using for at least 3-4 hours. Nothing I do in firefox seems to make fileserve work again. Remedies tried include restarting my computer.
RickyFS: I'm getting close to request a payment and I will follow the instructions from here:

I have a question though that I didn't find in the FAQs : Both in and I have $19.09 but in in 'account balance' I have $18.35

Is it a bug or is it because there's a difference between the update time of the balances? (it says below 'account balance' that it updates at 12am EST (NY time) daily but I don't know about partner-claim one)

Thanks for your help!

PS: By the way, I report that fileserve site is opening fine from here with Firefox
I have a question about the prem vouchers.

If the voucher expires on Nov 20, a person could still claim it before Nov 20 and still enjoy premium for the month of December right?
@ Cyberpunk: Try check your account now :)

@ mefman: It works, but how it works I do not know.

@ masterb56: You can user the voucher code within that timeframe. Say you redeemed a 30 day voucher code and you waited till 29th day - You'll still be getting your 30 days out of it if you redeemed.

Furthermore, you can redeem anytime and the days will be added ON TOP of your expiry date as a Premium. Thus, you do not need to wait till the 30th day to redeem.

@ mrhashi02: Probably just didn't make the cut for the list that day. You'll get paid next week.
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