FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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@'s your game set match evidence:


I hope you won't claim the "oh he must have logged in via my account to take this screenshot" because then I'll pull the "oh he must have because he's the same person"-card

Good day and our talks are over.

i told you in the early posts that he had a picture of my stats - He had a pic of the whole page - he must have used photoshop or something - Look dude : all i did was give my refferal link and a pic of my account so i could get a brazers account , I did not know he was using my acc to scam someone . This could have happened to anyone
-If you atleast give me the scammer full username .i can have a moderator check the acc and you will have your proof that it was someone else . Please mate , this is the least you can do.
I think this one requires some of the 911 Conspiracy Theorists to take a look at. This is getting more and more far-fetched than Bush setting up 911. Was this a frame job? For what purpose? Oh please...

1. Guy is from the same island of 1.2 million people...Let's just say that not a lot of people come from Mauritius.
2. The guy contacts you to ask you to give you a screenshot of your earnings + referral ID so he can give you [something] in return.
3. The guy then contacts X-people (wasn't 1...Was more) to blackmail them and tell them to do this and this, otherwise they'll face this and that.
4. The guy sets up an account, under you (viruz) [with IPs matching] for X-people (victims) who he tries to blackmail/lure into doing this so...
5. You can gain 25% and he gains... 50% of your 25%?
6. I don't believe in Ghost stories. Ban remains.

Good day.

And this is why we never reply to people who gets disabled because it's the back and forth bullshit that never ends. Mark my words that this is the last time I ever spend so much time explaining why a person has been disabled. I have other people to attend and other issues to solve. All further inquiries are ignored.
Ricky - Here is what i can do :-
1. I can get you his real ip address next time he hosts a game
2. I can show you the messages he sent me ( i think my messenger messages are loggged but i don't know how to access it)
3. I can prove that it was not me on WBB - i already asked 2 mods to check it out but got no reply yet

Since it was partly my fault - i am willing to pay back to fortorrent the sum that he was scammed as long is not over $50- just let me know the sum & payment method and tell him to contact me. i sent a Pm to a fortorrent on WBB but got no reply so i probably got the wrong guy.
Ricky when will the new Filemanager comes... The DMCA needs to be fix some of my files that are DMCA'd are not in the DMCA tab and it is hard to monitor what are being deleted because I have over 40k links
Ricky, when I copy files, it is error

please help me :(
I sent you money from two weeks ago to upgrade my account X-(X-(


why you did not upgrade my account
please upgrade for me right now

I was being Upload Limit Exceed:'(:'(:'(:'(
I sent you money from two weeks ago to upgrade my account X-(X-(


why you did not upgrade my account
please upgrade for me right now

I was being Upload Limit Exceed:'(:'(:'(:'(

Oh man, 2.5TB??, That number equal to all my file hosting storage combined.
hi can i asked question i heard news about fileserve i'd never used it before but they say you can only request payout if 2weeks registration?

so what do u think is best fileserve or filesonic?
thanks for the info..
so is the rumours true what is the rules and changes in fileserve?
now im thinking of what is best fileserve or hotfile..

im bit confused filesonic pays 30$-1000 dl
fileserver 25$-1000 dl
I'm not sure about that, but I requested payout after registering for 1 week and had no problem. Maybe it depends, if you have atleast $20 then you're good to go doesn't matter how long you've registered.
@ cartoon5: You uploaded think we will allow you to upload more if you're a free user? :) I'll check up on the payment and then I'll upgrade you if it matches

@ pinkgagcom: Username please? :)

@ aljurians: Don't know what new rules. We haven't implemented new rules.

@ chipve: We're working on a new feature for staff. Soon :)
Hi. just saw the great news this morning, but the direct link to apply for card doesn't work, I suspect some characters missing in the http link , ie ends up with %3d%3d (== ) right now...
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