FileServe - Make Money - Up to $25 per 1000 downloads (Official thread)

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Okay guys enough now. I guess Ricky might not be getting your questions. I will frame in a better way.

@ Ricky - Please tell us that if we request "transfer to payout account" on Sunday and it get approved and gets transferred by Monday, Can we request the payout from payout account on Monday and get paid when mass-payment takes place on the same day or following day?

@ Others - I requested "transfer to payout account" yesterday and it took less than 24hours to reach to my payout account.
Also, If Ricky says that if you request payout on Monday from your payout account to get paid and you won't be paid the same day or the following days, then we need to request on Saturday guys and then for payout on Sunday.

I hope this clears many people's doubt here. I hope Ricky gets the main point of the members and highlights more on the issue.

My transfer just got approved.Approximately 24-48 hours.

But I requested today, which means, it won't be approved in time for payouts this week!!! X-(

I requested, like on all Sundays, but now, with this double transfer approval, instead of needing to have $20 by sunday to request payout, you need to have it like by thrusday, to be able to request the REAL payout on sunday.....

So, if I requested a "transfer to payout account" today, it won't be approved before 48 hours, which means, I won't be able to request the real payout and get paid this week.

And yes, I do need the money this week, otherwise I wouldn't be concerned about this.

WHY is it that the transfer to payout account is not immediate, so that we can request the real payout???!!!
Its not immediate because FS wants to make sure that what you earn is legit, thats why an extra process

Why didn't you press the transfer to payout button on saturday? That way your payment would have been approved by sunday and you would have gotten the payment on monday-wednesday

Its very simple actually, ask for transfer on any day of the week, the transfer will get approved in 24-48 hours and when its complete ask for a payout on sunday.
"Its very simple actually"
No it isnt actually. Not much about it is clear.

Its only clear if you can live with not being able to emptying your account totally every week.
With these new 'rules' its impossible to guess which day requesting for transfer is optimal if you want to clear out your account.

And it is impossible to guess which day to press the 'transfer to payment account'-button if you want to be certain that you can get a payout the following week.

I am not saying that the new rules s**** - just that they are not very clear.
Its not immediate because FS wants to make sure that what you earn is legit, thats why an extra process

Why didn't you press the transfer to payout button on saturday? That way your payment would have been approved by sunday and you would have gotten the payment on monday-wednesday

Its very simple actually, ask for transfer on any day of the week, the transfer will get approved in 24-48 hours and when its complete ask for a payout on sunday.

Maybe you're one of those guys who earn 100$/day..... but I'm not. So I request when I have the amount to request, and that has always been on sundays.

When FS implemented this new "rule" they "forgot" to mention that approval to payout account would not be immediate.

It's always been like this: request payout untill Sunday 23.59pm and get paid from monday-wednesday. But now.....

It's more like "request a transfer to payout account 48 hours earlier than the day you actually plan to request the real payout -- so you can get paid that week"!!

This was implemented so that people could upgrade through earnings and all that, but they "forgot" to mention that it cause delays on payouts if requested on Sundays, as usual.....!! X-(X-(
Guys I will suggest that don't start flaming here. Wait for Ricky to come online and see my previous reply, he will surely understand the situation and will solve our problem. Just chill guys. watch porn. :p
Guys I will suggest that don't start flaming here. Wait for Ricky to come online and see my previous reply, he will surely understand the situation and will solve our problem. Just chill guys. watch porn. :p

@ RickyFS : Where are u..??

@ RiteshH : Why porn.?? u always see that type of movies to get chill..
BloodSucker if you don't like their service stop using them... For me FS is the best solution...

I didn't say I didn't like them..... But I don't like it when people change the rules, and leave us in the dark.

Guys just request transfer to payable account on a saturday... And i guess you will be good to hit payout on a sunday.....

Maybe you're one of those guys who earns a lot everyday, and can hit payout on any given day of the week. But others, like me, have to struggle to reach $20, which usually happens on Sundays, when I'm able to request payout, like it's always been.

But now.... the rules have changed and we're all left hanging.... unless all "transfer to payout account" requests are approved today, so that we can request the real payout and get paid this week!!!
So much complaining.

You will have to press a "Payout" button twice in a week.Once the funds you got should be transfered to your earnings.Once that happens you can then request for payout.
You complain because you lose 1-2 days of earnings i guess.
Read what we are writing ffs :-)

Sometimes it is going to be a matter of a weekly payout or not
- do we reach 20$ or not this week?
- do we reach the 20$ if we press the button on a Saturday or on a Sunday?

- do we press the correct buttons on the correct days?

I am sure everything will be cleared up once Ricky/FS figures out a plan.

But please read.... what we write...

I am not worried a lot myself, but I can see why other people worries.
Shouldnt be to hard to figure out.

/me hands Ricky a chill pill in advance before he makes any comments on this subject :)
The rules were written perfectly for everyone to understand. It's not rocket science girls and guys.

Why aren't we approving everything automatically/immediate?
-Because there are idiots in this world who doesn't play by the rules so everyone gets checked here and "there". It is a necessity that we audit and still keep auditing users. Otherwise we may as well drop it to 10 USD/1000 and we won't give two flying ratarses (or not as much) about user earnings. There's a reason why we can payout and payout the right amount to people.

Will the payments go out on Mon-Weds?
-Yes they will, they will in fact probably go out more frequent in round 1 and 2 of say Tuesday AND Wednesday

"I missed my payment because I requested on Sunday but got approved Tuesday!"
-You will be getting it on a Wednesday if you're quick enough to see that it got approved and press Payout

Suggest us another way of doing this. How do we safeguard ourselves for people not making their money legitimately?

You are left hanging, Bloodsucker? Hanging where? I've ignored you for enough time, but since you're causing havoc and bullshit in our thread, you get addressed.
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