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Upload speed very very bad! Always 100kbs/s!
Could you check and fix your upload server? My friend use filepost too, he report this problem to filepost's support team, and they said somethings like "switch your plan from PPD to PPS, or your upload speed slower".
Explain it, Filepost.
If it's true, we'll stop using your service!
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Priority my ass. I'm on Revenue share, tried 2 locations, speed is capped at like 700kb/s-1mb/s.

Pathetic. What's point of running filehost in 2012 if you cannot provide upload decent speed?

And it's not my location or my server. I have tried everything. FTP upload, Zoom, Remote, Web upload.

I'm not hating but when you are in this business, there is not much room left for such mistakes. Point is to be better and faster than current competition, not slower.
Does this host really have slow download speed? I was planning to use this host as my major host but I was discouraged by some of the members here stating that the upload speed.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Tapatalk
Finally you guys fixed the web upload problem :)

@ paul
I get 2 mb/s single thread on my dedi (usa) when I download with a premium. I haven't tried other locations yet.
As for the upload speed, all our partners who have been working with us for a long time know that we constantly work on the system improvement. In December we added 2 series of servers what improved the situation with upload and download speed values (after the news about WU affiliate program ending).

Recently we have been facing more complaints about unstable upload speed, and we sure will make additional check of the servers and channels to fix that issues. We ask you to be patient.
your download speed is way too slow, that`s why my stat in filepost is very BAD! I earned at least 7 to 10 times better using 2 other should look into this matter seriously before many affialates leave u.

FTP,RU all down?
even very slow to open fp website....omg:facepalm:

The website is up and running now. Sorry for the troubles.

RU not working.

What exactly is wrong for you and where do you upload from? You can consider pming me your address.

your download speed is way too slow, that`s why my stat in filepost is very BAD! I earned at least 7 to 10 times better using 2 other should look into this matter seriously before many affialates leave u.


I would recommend you to change your posting strategy. Try using one link for a file rather than several mirrors links - that really works well according to our partners' experience.

This is the answer to my ticket for the dead upload:

"We are sorry, at the moment there are too many files standing in queue and
they all are downloading in turn.
We could switch you to the fastest servers in case if you would like to
switch to PPS program as our best servers are used for Revenue Share"

Just like a crocko, forcing us to change the plan in pps, blocking the upload of PPD plan.
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