- Up to $35 for downloads or 60% of sales&rebills (Official Thread)

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- What is storeage space limite for free user for files without downloading < 20 days?
- Would you please hide user name and pass in Remote URL Upload Logins Section?
- Remote URL Upload Logins Section do not have some main filehosts (FS, FSN, ULS, FJ, FP, OR)
Anyway, do you give free premium account on uploaders or? :)

FilePost said:
As we've mentioned multiple times, we grant premium plans to the accounts that have both downloads and sales - this is a common rule.

tcnnvnn said:
1- What is storeage space limite for free user for files without downloading < 20 days?
2- Would you please hide user name and pass in Remote URL Upload Logins Section?
3- Remote URL Upload Logins Section do not have some main filehosts (FS, FSN, ULS, FJ, FP, OR)
1. 30 days.
2. I don't understand what do you think, sorry.
3. FS,FSN,ULS,FJ have.
Last edited:
One more quote :)

FilePost said:
Unfortunately, if you do not provide any details about your server/location/traceroute info to our support team, we can not help you with this question and see what may be wrong.

Let's help to FilePost, and maybe he/she can help us.
- What is storeage space limite for free user for files without downloading < 20 days?
- Would you please hide user name and pass in Remote URL Upload Logins Section?
- Remote URL Upload Logins Section do not have some main filehosts (FS, FSN, ULS, FJ, FP, OR)

1. Inactive files are removed for free accounts in 30 days after the latest download.

2. Actually, passwords are already marked with * symbols.

3. We have RU from these hostings. Please review the site rules and sections more carefully.

Very well, if the speeds don't go up i will have to switch to other host :/

That is your right for sure, however first I would recommend you to contact support team and provide details about your location/IPs. Thanks.

@everyone - today we have been facing more errors for RU from FSO, seems to be due to the captcha on their side. We will contact them about this questions. As we can see, only a part of files get errors, that is why just remove uploads from the queue and add again.
Very well, if the speeds don't go up i will have to switch to other host :/

LOL the upload speed is not going up seen long time now... and prm download speed is slow as site...

i moved to other host (but i come to this thread now and then), time for you to move on too...

PS if FTP upload speed go up i will be back to FP. ;)
Premium Sales Issue

hi ,

i have get the Premium Sales in 18.12.11 and 28.12.11 but Site Sales Revenue is 0 $,please help me check the problem.thanks!

Display Name :billy219
is it possible to have remote upload available?

We have not received lots requests for it, thus at the moment do not have plans to add it.

hi ,

i have get the Premium Sales in 18.12.11 and 28.12.11 but Site Sales Revenue is 0 $,please help me check the problem.thanks!

Display Name :billy219

You are on PPD plan, that is why you do not get revenue of sales. If you need PPS plan from the beginning , let our support team know about that, they will switch your plan.

WHY ???

I can't RU from FS, FSN, FJ, UPS . Please fix now.

What exactly is wrong for you? We have been facing more errors from FSO and FS recently, but only due to the fact that they require captcha for a part of downloads. We have contacted them, and have to wait only. We can not do anything here ourselves. According to our statistic, that is only a part of files.

RU queued for long long time, for months...

Absolutely not true.

RU from Filesonic Down again?
Can you fix it?

Once again - some part of the downloads from them require captcha, we can not do anything here. We are waiting for their assistance on that.
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