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  1. K

    Ryushare Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Ryushare here.

    from 1-2 month ago almost impossible to get sales in ryushare :(
  2. K

    Ryushare Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Ryushare here.

    I requested on 2013-08-05 and still didn't receive, so yes I am in the same boat :(
  3. K

    Ryushare Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Ryushare here.

    i request 2013-08-05 via paypal but still pending :( i hope they will pay me today or tomorrow
  4. K

    BitShare Payments - If you haven't received payment - Post here!

    where can i find bitshare earnings table? They count ernings from all over the world?
  5. K - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    i can't upload with ftp..anybody have this problem? and with webupload 90% of my file get this:
  6. K - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    request: 2013-07-15 and today paid. really fast :D
  7. K - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)

    ftp unusable for me, uploads start again after 100%, and the speed is very low
  8. K

    Ryushare Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Ryushare here.

    requested: 2013-06-30 to paypal still pending :/
  9. K - PPD (30 EUR) & PPS (60% inital sale /50% rebill)
  10. K

    Ryushare Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Ryushare here.

    My payment status paid, but i still didn't receive the money. paypal
  11. K

    imgchili problem?

    "Well we are either going to pay by Monday or then on the 21st. Don't worry. We are definitely going to pay. We already paid for payza. Its just pp waiting"
  12. K

    imgchili problem?

    please read the news :facepalm: Payout Posted on 03 May 2013 So the latest payout was made on Monday 22nd of April, which pretty much covered last week’s payout. We are going to make this week’s payout (meant to happen on May 1) when we receive the money we have wired to our payza account...
  13. K

    Ryushare Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Ryushare here.

    i incavtive for about 4 months and they still pay me :D