- HLS CDN Streaming | Lifetime Storage | Custom Ads | Custom Domain | Auto-Payouts | Anti Clone


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Corporate Membership
Hello Everyone!

My name is David and i'll be your affiliate manager from FileMoon here.

- About Hosting
  • Adult file content is allowed
  • No file expiry
  • Global CDN system for streaming your videos
  • Multiple ad modes
  • Automatic payouts
  • Custom Ads
  • Custom Domain


Q: How you service is different from other hosting sites ?

  • Custom Domain - You can set your own domain for embeds to avoid ISP blocking.
  • Custom Ads - You can set your own ads into the player.
  • Multi Earning Modes - You can select different earnings mode for views and downloads.
  • Anti Clone - You can block other users from cloning your videos.
  • Auto Payouts - After 5th payment you can enable auto payouts.
  • No Expiry - Your files will be stored lifetime doesn't matter if you're big uploader or small one. As long as you don't abuse us.
  • Quality Selection - You can decide if you want to have 1080p videos encoding or any other quality we offer (360,480,720,1080p encoding).
  • Account Type - You can select your account type to avoid adult ads at your videos.
  • Minimum Ads - Our 100% earning mode contains 2 pops and 1 In Page Push ad.

Q: Do you ignore DMCA ?
  • We don't our service is long term and we cannot ignore DMCA reports.
Q: What is minimum payout amount ?
  • 25$ for all payout methods.

- Our affiliate program can be found here:
- Quick registration link:
- Payout options: PayPal, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash, Ethereum, XRP, Litecoin, Payeer,Tron(TRX), USDT - (Tether),AdvCash
- ZOOM Uploader is SUPPORTED
- Upload methods: WEB / FTP / REMOTE

You can contact us 24/7 using following methods:

Telegram: @filemoon_official
WJ: Private Message
Last edited:
hello good evening I would like to know why I have a lot of videos which are in error 233011 is it possible to correct this error for all the files that have this error (it has been a long time since there has been this error on some file )
thank you for your response
is paying for less than half of the views is that correct?

Date Views Paid Views Views ADB Views VPN Total
2024-08-11 13.958 6.628 694 466 $6.31040
2024-08-12 21.242 9.356 993 786 $8.81190
2024-08-13 14.962 6.210 469 481 $5.70420