- Earn $40 / 1000 downloads! All countries paid! (Official Thread)

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nium4ever - For the hundredth time, wupload/filesonic have blocked our remote servers. This results in failed uploads the majority of the time. We decided to remove wupload/filesonic from our remote uploads as there is no point having them as an option seeing as it always fails. If we are unblocked in the future we will of course re-add this option.

To everyone who has private messaged me I will answer you asap.



I just joined and got your email verification from gmail without any trouble. Anyone have a Rapidleech plugin for uploads?

Best regards,

Greg, Could u improve download speed for free users to 200-300 KB/s with 2 stream IDM download? I tested download as free user from home PC and from dedicated 1Gbps server with IDM but it just can get split download with 1 stream (~125KB/s). I think at the beginning, FileJungle should improve download speed for free users to make more friendly with downloaders. If IDM can split download to 2 stream -> it means faster with 2x 125KB/s = ~250KB/s

And could u reduce redeem price to 6$/ 30 days ... 15$/ 90 days ... ?
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Greg, Could u improve download speed for free users to 200-300 KB/s with 2 stream IDM download? I tested download as free user from home PC and from dedicated 1Gbps server with IDM but it just can get split download with 1 stream (~125KB/s). I think at the beginning, FileJungle should improve download speed for free users to make more friendly with downloaders. If IDM can split download to 2 stream -> it means faster with 2x 125KB/s = ~250KB/s

And could u reduce redeem price to 6$/ 30 days ... 15$/ 90 days ... ?

I will forward your requests, but I cannot guarantee anything. A download limit of 125kb/s is adequate speed for a free user to retrieve files in my opinion. In regards to the prices we wil be looking into the redemption prices and they may change in the future.

Check Ur Pm Bro Waiting For Your Reply :)

Reply sent.
@filejunglegreg. do you count downloads for free users or only premium users ?

We count free user downloads as well as premium.


Latin American heavy traffic , argentina moved to c please.

many downloads Argentina

We will be looking into the groups shortly and you may see changes after that. For now things won't be changing so please be patient :)

slow upload from eu


Care to elaborate? Where in Europe? Have you tried other sources? We are working on improving speeds as best we can with servers in Europe but these things do take time.
cilembu - I will have the pending files checked asap and also for ryand who had a similar issue. Not a lot could be done over the weekend so we will sort this out today.
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