- Earn $40 / 1000 downloads! All countries paid! (Official Thread)

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How Could this happen ?
I Used PPS for more than 2 weeks
Now I want to Use PPD & U ask me to wait till 3-10-2011 ?
Why is that ?
U Said I can Switch between PPD & PPS every 7 days
Plz Fix this
User : Doctor007

Correct, when you change plan it takes 7 days to become active. You can change your plans any day you want it just takes 7 days to start.

OMG what happen with the ftp speed, it suddenly came down from 70 MB/s to 1 MB/s :facepalm:

I will have this looked at now. If speeds drop randomly don't go into panic mode :) it's clearly a minor problem and things will obviously resolve themselves shortly. Although I am still able to pull in decent speeds via ftp.
hey filejunglegreg, i was trying to send you a PM a few hours ago but I am not sure if it was sent correctly or maybe it didn't went through as i was having some connectivity issues during that time... if after you've finished answering your PMs and you did not see any from me please inform me so i can send you another PM...thanks
Replied to all private messages.

We do not have any plans to add eu servers currently. So please don't keep messaging me or posting about it for now.

If you want a premium upgrade private message me don't post your usernames etc into the thread. Please provide you earnings screen shot from other file hosts.
Replied to all private messages.

We do not have any plans to add eu servers currently. So please don't keep messaging me or posting about it for now.

If you want a premium upgrade private message me don't post your usernames etc into the thread. Please provide you earnings screen shot from other file hosts.
<3 Sended PM :)
boating - This has been talked about multiple times throughout the thread if you have a read I am sure you can find your answer.

Spaces in file names now work in web upload and ru. This will also be added to ftp shortly.

You can now also name files over the previous 40 char limit. The file manager will trim down the names in order to fit the layout so you may think the file name has been changed. It has not it is just the layout fitting the larger file names into view.
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