Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

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7 payments pending and nothing so far.....What makes them i have slightest interest in their revamped look ? All I care about is my money at this point ...they don't even have the decency to reply my tickets..... I think its about time that WJ should open a new section called ''Scam Filehosts" with this thread pinned.
7 payments pending and nothing so far.....What makes them i have slightest interest in their revamped look ? All I care about is my money at this point ...they don't even have the decency to reply my tickets..... I think its about time that WJ should open a new section called ''Scam Filehosts" with this thread pinned.

yepp WJ why not give bann to filefactory that host its a scam site
I worked with them more than an year.They always pay me.Last payment received after requested 2 days.

According FF you can lodge a payment request at any time if your balance exceeds $100. Amounts due to affiliates for any calendar month are paid 15 days after the end of the month. So don't tell us these bs that you received payment after requested 2 days.
Just got paid via pp!

Requested 28 Jun 2013

Thank you for this sir! I have been waiting as well this gives me some hope. Requested a payment Jul 29th and again in August. So maybe I can expect it by the end of this month. For what its worth, they paid me every two weeks as far back as 2011, up til April 2012. Then payments were made April 2nd, May 1st, May 31st, Jul 2nd. The money I requested every week in Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct was all paid on Nov 21, 2012. That's when PayPal killed their account. The next time I was paid was all the way on Mar 12, 2013. Then I was paid Apr 27, 2013 & Jun 20, 2013.
They do not pay! Do not waste your time in vain.
People have been saying this since last year, i don't feel sorry for you, i even laughed when i saw your stats, you all have been warned, so stop whining, it isn't a scam anymore, its a dead host, only extreme moronic uploaders still using this crappy host.
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FileFactory Affiliate program ,anyone tried ?


anyone tried aff program of FF ?

I wanna use it :D

they pay ? how many days it takes to get payment ?

i have seen a webmoney option, should i put Z purse or E purse ?

do they shave sales ?

PPD count good ?

what is the best plan ?

plus, i have heared that, there are many plugins that can download from FF, so PPD is better ?
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