Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

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See the beta version of upcoming FileFactory changes including the revamped account section and new image sharing service now at

It doesn't justify them not being able to respond to tickets or made payments.

I was going to say the same thing. Only thing I care about is timely mannered payments. Im sure lot of others too.

Just got paid via pp!

Requested 28 Jun 2013

Im sure you don't have a reason to lie. Lets see anyone else got lucky!!
yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh got paid ,


yes yes dam , yes , love you filefactory


Filefactory drop the limit to 1tb there deleteing all files exceding 1tb :(

i personally feel uploaders should work 4 dem. dey hve been around 4 a long long long time, hve paid even if late, support has always been good-well better dan many filehosts if u ask me, n at least they have a payout method unlike nl where non eu guys r stuck 4 payment bcoz of the charges. this is my opinion n like always im sure many will disagree. bt 4 me ffactory is a gr8/perfect host
yeahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh got paid ,


yes yes dam , yes , love you filefactory


Filefactory drop the limit to 1tb there deleteing all files exceding 1tb :(

hmmm first time im hearing this in months... glad you got paid. hope the rest do also asap. thanks for the share. im also reaching my 1TB tipping point. so im using a voucher and buying another account XD
I noticed in their new there's still a section for affiliates, so there's still hope that they're still continuing with this.
I'm using nearly 2 TB and I've got files which hasn't been downloaded for nearly 1 year and they're still there.

But they have a new announcement about 1TB usage and I have about 7TB of files but about 90% are being downloaded often so I am abiding their fair usage policy what my question is their new announcement that maybe force all user to use 1TB or less and if you exceed it will delete the files that are exceeded
I'm using nearly 2 TB and I've got files which hasn't been downloaded for nearly 1 year and they're still there.

But they have a new announcement about 1TB usage and I have about 7TB of files but about 90% are being downloaded often so I am abiding their fair usage policy what my question is their new announcement that maybe force all user to use 1TB or less and if you exceed it will delete the files that are exceeded

no i dont think its logical to delete all over 1tb. i say logically, because maybe a file i upload gets downloaded after 7 days and a file uploaded 1 year ago gets downloaded everyday, so i think they will delete files which are not downloaded. btw, i have more than 5tb data n files are downloaded every now n then, however i do not see 'old files' which have never been downloaded, so i assume that they will delete inactive files over 2tb after a certain time. have asked support, will let u know if i receive a response :)
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