Ebay will do better than that. !00% or better at least from what I've seen. No guarantee that you'll get your money from that other guy
either. Too many places like that, take your card and never send anything. One can also break their Amazon card down into other smaller
cards, such as four...
That's why it's called a "promo" fellas. Those prices are promotional......not permanent.
They seem to usually have some sort of promotional prices every few months, so shouldn't
be too long before another one comes up.
Stronger than what? lol Al Capone strong? lol I mean that's what crooks are right? Payza was shady from the beginning,
and they're shady as fuck now, especially trying to claim that all US monies are in the hands of someone else and out of
their control. That's an out and out lie. Why the hell...
If you live in the UK or USA, and want to get paid ANYTHING, the Amazon card is the only alternative.
Which might not really be such a bad thing, since on EBAY, Amazon gift cards always seem to sell for
a much higher price than it's value.
Nice graphics........rotten attitude though.......without a bit of thought either. Let's just take a look at what you put
up there for us to see. Of course we all know why Paypal was reversed.....they're on a vendetta to make themselves
look good, by preventing any file hosts to use them as a...
Filefactory is NOT a Russian site. It's based in Queensland, Australia, with servers in Amsterdam.
Easy enough to check, so no need to spread bullshit rumors.
Like you'd know shit from shinola about it ? I mean you constantly throw FF under the bus, yet also promise that you'll never use them.
So how.......does a dumbass such as yourself, that obviously never deals with FF, nor intends to, so often come to this FF disccussion
thread, talking shit...
Thanks for checking that out for us! I noticed that you were answered 17 and 18 days ago, and after checking on
the status of my inquiries, have calculated that the oldest one was submitted, a couple days after yours. Could you
tell me if they only answered you on the support website where you...
I don't have shit pending moneywise, and still getting no reply at all, so let's just everyone that says they're getting replies,
stop the lying, and be honest so we can try to help each other here.
I call bullshit on that. I've got 7 pending inquiries, ranging from 2 weeks to 24 days ago when submitted.
I'm not talking about a reply from an FF tech a year ago, or for that matter 3 months ago.....I'm talking
about in the last fucking month. And not a damn thing was asked about pay. They...
Fuck the pay......it isn't like it's something new man. This shit has been going on for more than a year now. I want their fucking
techs to answer my god damn inquiries when I submit them.
Can anyone confirm that they've had contact with any Filefactory tech, in reply to an inquiry in the last 10 days
or so? I've written them multiple times, and the only thing I've gotten in return from them is confirmation that they'vereceived my inquiry.
It's one thing for a file host to be crappy.....a total different thing
for a person to be. You are neither helpful, or constructive in any way.
In other words.....you're a fucking prick. You share no files, you share
no worthy advice, and are as fucking stupid as the day is long. So....
That's right. I only post in this thread, because it's the only one
that concerns me. You on the other hand seem to have a absolute
worthless opinion on every subject. I guess that would be because
you are ignorant on every subject. In other words....you're nothing
but a troll.
---------- Post...
Not near as useless as your posts are. Why steer people to file hosts
that are likely not to even be around a year from now? That really makes
a bunch of sense doesn't it? Half the file hosts you named either doesn't
accept downloads from the most lucrative market, (USA), let's free
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