^ So am I (uploading at full speed, I mean). But do the files appear in your File Manager immediately or after a delay of some 3 hours? And right now RU too is working in fits and starts..... :facepalm:
Unfortunately I have to take back some of the good things I wrote about FileFactory a couple of pages ago. You should read carefully the last 3 posts made by
alientech in the previous page of this thread, because he's sadly right: FF is not good for backups. You will find that a lot (too many) of your files are corrupted or inaccessible, their servers are unreliable and show problems way too often (missing stuff, download speed that varies too much from file to file) and they have a failure rate around 25% for your uploaded files.
I have been a Premium for the last 2 months, but honestly if you are willing to use FileFactory expect to put some real work into it, keeping constant tabs to often check your files. I've wasted a lot of time reuploading some things 2, 3 or even 4 times over a month because some .rar files always get lost. It's very time consuming.
The fact is that after the death or the forced closure of the Four Greats over the past months (MU, FS, WU, FSonic) and the self-censorship and self-restraint of some other good ones just in order to stay alive (RapidShare, Netload), there simply isn't anymore a good and reliable file hosting site around to have faith in.
All the SnowWhites are dead and now we are left only with unreliable dwarves or downright scam sites (EasyBytez, RapidGator, and all the other hosts that pop up and die every other day).
The legislative effort against file hosting sites is truly international now and without borders (at least for the Western world). The game is over. Things will never be again like they were until 5-6 months ago. And if you want money you better get a real job.
The future of file sharing? Torrent, private trackers, seedboxes,
VPN, proxies. And TOR and I2P to browse the internet.
Here is a site of news to keep you updated on what's going on around the world regarding these matters:
All the rest is just wishful thinking.