Filefactory Discussion Thread - Post your discussions related to Filefactory here.

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I thought I was in the netload thread (just clicked the link in my email and I have been arguing with a jerk in that thread a lot)
im not sure about FF
just starting to really use them myself

hmmm so is filefactory good to save files under 1 TB ?!

and is rapidshare good to save files ?! above that ?! without problems ?!

Free account is 500GB and 90 days. It does get deleted after 90 days of no access but premium is unlimited. I think as long as you stay under 2TB you will be fine even if you dont publish the links. Since they do give 500GB free, 2TB is not much more.. But cross 5TB and I am pretty sure you end up on a list and 10TB etc would mean you better bring in a lot of money for them, I have not hit 5TB yet since every time I come close I get some mass deletions of hundreds of files but I am sure all those multiple times were just coincidences since some people say they have 5-10TB for months now and no problems. They only recently got a 100TB server cluster.. Those cost a lot of money like $20-50K each plus the bandwidth as well and monthly rack storage as they are also rather big. They wanted to get a few more of them but not sure they have the cash to get it like megaupload who have over a thousand of them. RS is also up there but they have changed so often that they are not reliable. You never know what they will do next. Megaupload on the other hand at least was consistent in providing cheap storage as well as cheap and free access for most.
I have nearly 6TB uploaded and don't think Ive had any deletes yet
haven't posted anything yet either though

not that I don't plan to post
im just trying to get my collection completely uploaded first (30TB)
I'm in the same boat as amartin99. I am currently uploading a total of 30 TB than will be posting like a fiend with all the links that have been created. Staying organized is the Biggest problem that I have... Except for the uploading issues which all file host companies have been experiencing, Filefactory has been great and their tech support is very attentive like others have mentioned in this thread.
Its really simple.. You think they will let you use up something that costs them $50,000 for a $249 membership? Although I highly doubt that you can upload 10TB there. But I would strongly suggest you only use single large files and not split ones because they have 25% failures and dont forget to check the file sizes as well. They also removed one of the functions which gave you the server name in their tools section which you could use to check if the file was available and then using a downloader to check file sizes.. Other wise you will only know the file is offline when you actually go to download it and start downloading which is much more time consuming.

Also once you start to get deletions its better to not ask them for any money since that usually gets your account deleted with the reply that you can just sign up again for a new account and this time try not to use other peoples files......

For most users there are not many good options. All of them have some problems and weird restrictions. Filsonic changed the way many other hosts operated, not sure what their game was because they would not have made any money over time the way they operated. But with them gone no one is there to keep the other hosts honest. Also payouts have dropped drastically now to less than a quarter of what it was before. You would think when some major hosts go down, payouts would go up a lot at other hosts from people looking at new sites.

If you are willing to put some real work into it and not expecting much of a payout, I think FF is great tool to use. All the problems mentioned does mean keeping constant tabs and checking often and not over abusing the system. Filesonic's firefox plugin tool about copying the internet to your personal account and getting a pay check every week will not work here.
I agree with you about storing all of your Terabytes on FF. I guess what I am trying to say (a few posts up) is that I have 30 TB of material to upload but as I upload I will take TB's of old posted material down and no longer have it on FF either. I will probably cap my total storage on FF at 10 TB's Max.

To alientech, You are right, the pay for PPD is no longer like it was but since I was not involved with this until the past few months I am not missing the previous formulas for PPD. I guess I am just happy to make anything based on the terabytes of files that I currently am beginning to share. The main source of income must come from the strategic ads that you place on your Website or Blog.
So it is not like on bitshare :)? (I got 5tb+ of files and not bad traffic). And it seems I cannot pay for premium longer than one month via paypal or even webmoney :S.

And btw if the file is deleted due to dmca, can it be uploaded or I need to change its md5?

/edit, and one more thing, can I pay for future premium extension using my account balance?
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^ So am I (uploading at full speed, I mean). But do the files appear in your File Manager immediately or after a delay of some 3 hours? And right now RU too is working in fits and starts..... :facepalm:

Unfortunately I have to take back some of the good things I wrote about FileFactory a couple of pages ago. You should read carefully the last 3 posts made by alientech in the previous page of this thread, because he's sadly right: FF is not good for backups. You will find that a lot (too many) of your files are corrupted or inaccessible, their servers are unreliable and show problems way too often (missing stuff, download speed that varies too much from file to file) and they have a failure rate around 25% for your uploaded files.

I have been a Premium for the last 2 months, but honestly if you are willing to use FileFactory expect to put some real work into it, keeping constant tabs to often check your files. I've wasted a lot of time reuploading some things 2, 3 or even 4 times over a month because some .rar files always get lost. It's very time consuming.

The fact is that after the death or the forced closure of the Four Greats over the past months (MU, FS, WU, FSonic) and the self-censorship and self-restraint of some other good ones just in order to stay alive (RapidShare, Netload), there simply isn't anymore a good and reliable file hosting site around to have faith in.
All the SnowWhites are dead and now we are left only with unreliable dwarves or downright scam sites (EasyBytez, RapidGator, and all the other hosts that pop up and die every other day).

The legislative effort against file hosting sites is truly international now and without borders (at least for the Western world). The game is over. Things will never be again like they were until 5-6 months ago. And if you want money you better get a real job.

The future of file sharing? Torrent, private trackers, seedboxes, VPN, proxies. And TOR and I2P to browse the internet.

Here is a site of news to keep you updated on what's going on around the world regarding these matters:

All the rest is just wishful thinking.

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free user always cannot download :facepalm:
i made about $40-70 per day last three months , but now only about $20 per day from last week:facepalm:
free user always cannot download :facepalm:
i made about $40-70 per day last three months , but now only about $20 per day from last week:facepalm:
That's sth you should be happy about because it would force them to buy premium account if your content is worth it. If you're worried about free users, you should be uploading on RS and MF not FF.

On another note, I really wish FF did sth about files not showing up in the file manager especially during rush hours. I sometimes have to re-upload the same file 5 times until one of them shows up in my file manager maybe after 30 mins! :facepalm:
And right now, one of my files is showing zero downloads even though I'm sure it has had a lot of downloads!
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