Extabit.com File Hosting

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Are you going to answer our question about rebills gfx? You've been telling us all month long that avangate has rebills, yet nobody has got a rebill yet.
First of all sorry for the delayed response.

About rebills:
Rebills activated by avangate last month only. They activated somewhere between Aug17 - Aug31st. So, we are also waiting for the first rebill.

About Private button: we just removed this button.
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Please Clarify This Issue

Only partners can upload files.

Gfx wrote the above in response to the following questions:


Originally Posted by mik554

How can I upload files?

When I want to upload file theerror occurs "Sorry, temporary disabled"

Extabit.com No remote upload?

thank you

Another person asked if "Free Members" could upload as they have been unable to upload.
In addition, the link to the "Affiliate" program is not working so people are unable to sign up as affiliates - check the link yourself - http://extabit.com/partner.jsp

As the original quote states: "only partners can upload files", please explain what this means, who is considered a "partner"? Registered users, Premium Members, Affiliates only?
Thanks in advance for clearing this up.:sun:
we removed "premium button" at filemanager. this button will cause ban at forums.
We can enable such button by request if you are not a forum user.
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