Extabit.com File Hosting

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@Gfx....any news about Rebill ??????

rebills be activated but u can uncheck it when you buy premium by avantage , you have checkbox to disable recurring payment on avantage page in visible place on payment site , and i think 90 % prefer deselect it

a payment gateway a good option would be to add another without tax for eu users , premium account for eu users cost 1 month 15.46 USD - 19 % more ... , a bit much for one month
Gfx,I have in inactive files section,files with many downloads,over 50,60 downloads.
When this will be fixed ?
Also sorting by downloads not working.
just temporarily decrease it to $20 and you will win more webmasters and uploaders.. consider it. thank you!

They will earn more money if they increase to 100$ like oron in best days. Only real uploaders will stay, not wanabe that earn 100$/month and complain every day that they haven't sales.
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