VPS EU Offshore VPS: 4GB DDR3 RAM, 500 GB HD, 100 Mbps UL, Free Trial

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Wow lol I just discovered how much of a lier and a scammer you really are.
At webhostingtalk.com you're actually promoting the LVE-02 as a "Unmetered 100 mbps Premium Bandwidth Transfer".

You don't even bother to tell people there that it's shared (or capped at 8Mbit/sec). So when they ask you why they're getting 8Mbps instead of the 100, you'll just say "hey, what did you expect for $15 you noob"
If anyone thinks 100 mbps unmetered dedicated costs $15 he is no doubt a noob.

A forum is only a discussion board. Official docs are on website.
Your official docs say nothing about speed, so people are inclined to believe the site owner or salesperson.

What you are saying here is that you admit that you are lying to your customers, and if they believe you they are noobs and deserve to be scammed.
Nice way to do business.
Your a fucking prick bentink. I dont even know you personally and I've never done business with you. But I came to this thread to give you a try, was considering becoming a customer. After reading this shit I'll never ever buy a thing from you. Look at the way you treat your customers. This is sickening. Good luck stearing away from a ban, I'm going to report this shit act. Also good luck selling servers once I spam this link on a dozen forums I've seen your shit ads on. ;)

What a prick. And to think I wouldve bought anything from you is ludacris.

this noob pays $21 for 1gps unmetered and always gets 3mbs + at all times :) your full of shit anyway bbl of to buy an account on one of your servers so i can give it to a hacker :)

oh before i go:

<-- downloading

<--- download complete

<--- uploading

proof your servers are shit and overloaded :P
Warezdemon and others, if you dont know anything simply get out of here. Woja has made me mad with his activities. He only posts here half of the part which he thinks.

If you dont believe me, it is a openVZ issue.


Once the OpenVZ issue is permanently resolved, everything will be fine. The issue is not due to me, it is from OpenVZ/Linux. It will be permanently solved soon. But blame OpenVZ/Linux developers instead if you want to blame someone. Woja did not give the time but went around. It is written on our site whatever the issue is, we will resolve it to your satisfaction. It is 100% true, but you must give time so that we can detect an issue and solve it. The OpenVZ issue was not a very simple one. Hope you understand it.

The forum is not our official place, if you want to see anything open a ticket. You will never get good replies from me on forums since this is not our support place. I will also not resolve any issue on any forum. You must open a ticket to see how bad we are.

"$21 for 1gps unmetered and always gets 3mbs + at all times" -- can you please tell me from where he got 1 Gbps unmetered at $21? I will be interested. Remember 1Gbps unmetered = 660 TB (660000 GB) roughly. I will also be interested to know which noob uses 660000 GB bandwidth every month.

And our 1 Gbps plans get more than 7 MB/s from Rapidshare when things are normal.
Bentink. Bottom line. You admit you are lying to your customers and promising things that you have no intention on delivering.
You defend your lies by saying that your customer should have the knowledge to recognize that what you offer is a lie.
The OpenVZ/Linux issue was only for 2 days out of 10 days that the VPS was down.
Woja did not give the time but went around.
I waited 2 weeks for you to get your shit together, during which time you constantly changed the terms of the deal, blaming me for not being decisive.
In the end I saw I had no choice but to file a dispute, since you were going to close my account anyway, being as I am obviously too much trouble to you since I want a working product - what you promise!


1) "Unmetered 100 mbps Premium Bandwidth Transfer".

2) We will resolve it to your satisfaction.
REALITY: You refuse to provide the service you offer

3) Open a ticket and we will resolve your problem
REALITY: Open a ticket and you will be told to STFU and they will threaten to close your account if you make troubles.
Where on our site it is written 100 mbps dedicated unmetered?

Shared 100 mbps shared among 10 people = 10 mbps share for each people.

No one threatened to close your account. No account is closed unless it violates the terms.

It was not down for 10 days. One 30 minute issue was due to abusive user, one was due to switch failure at datacenter. All rest are due to the OpenVZ issue.

If you think you can solve the openVZ issue, you can perhaps help us on the OpenVZ issue if you think it is so easy to detect and solve the OpenVZ issue? The slow speeds of less than 100 KB/s are due to OpenVZ issue.
If you're selling 8Mbit CAPPED, say 8Mbit Capped. Don't say 100Mbit unmetered and rely on your customers to read between the lines.
If we had the knowledge you had about VPSs we wouldn't be buying from you. We'd be hosting ourselves.

Bentink, just breeze through the last 28 pages of this thread and see how many issues there have been.
Well there is no issue arguing as that will not solve issues. I will recommend you to go to sleep and have peace till OpenVZ issues are resolved. It is not 8mbit capped. We had enough word exchanges, now peace please and wait till OpenVZ issue is fixed.
The problem is that you're a scammer and a lier.
You are doing false advertising and promising things you have no intention of providing. You have made this perfectly clear and have admitted it yourself.

You blame your customers and try to excuse your lies by expecting everyone to be experts and to understand between the lines.

Your downtime is really the least of your worries.
The very fact that you promise:
1) 100Mbit bandwidth and admit to only providing 8
2) Unconditional Hassle-free 100% 30-day money back guarantee

Is downright fraudulent.

I really don't know how you are still in this forum as everyone knows you are a scammer and a thief.

All I can do is hope that others will read this thread before thinking of purchasing a "VPS" from you.
Why are you always trying to hide the fact it was clearly written on the terms page there is no refund on 2nd invoice? You can not make your own rules.

Where it is written 100 mbps dedicated unmetered?

If you can not answer the above 2, don't reply any more.

I do expect everyone to read this. And standing here also I will say there will be no one to beat our service quality which is promised at the same price.

You are forgetting that we did not manufacture OpenVZ or Linux. OpenVZ or Linux bugs are not in our control.

'Unconditional hastle-free' was also there on Hostgator site. They perhaps got a few customers like you who misinterpret it as they wish. So might be because of that they removed from website. 'Unconditional hastle-free' does not imply you can make your own rules which is against our terms.

I will also advise you to look up the dictionary to look for the word "scam". Perhaps you are not aware what it really means before using it like jam and jelly.
So.. what you're saying is that you write 100Mbit line, but nowhere is it written that it's REALLY a 100Mbit line. Am I correct?

So you're selling a VPS, but you haven't written anywhere that it's REALLY a VPS... so you can provide whatever you like.

cool concept man. You may be onto something. Maybe you should patent it.

So, you provide an "Unconditional Hassle-free 30-day money back guarantee", but you don't write anywhere that it's REALLY unconditional and hassle-free, so that must mean that it's VERY conditional and it comes with ALOT of hassle.
WTF does hostgator have to do with anything here? They never wrote unconditional anywhere on their website. And even if they did, it's got absolutely nothing to do with what you're doing. WTF is the connection?

Also Bentink, your Terms and conditions contradict all your advertising and promises on the main website. This makes them invalid and non-legally binding.
This also makes you a scammer and a conductor of fraudulent activities.
Oh, and by the way, I bought another VPS per Warezdemon's recommendation.

$16/Month UNMETERED 100Mbit LINE:

5.5MB/sec. Fuck you Bentink you scammer.
It is NO where written 100 mbit dedicated unmetered.

Unmetered means it can be both shared or dedicated if nothing is written. If you do not know it I am sorry. You can keep to call scammer, but you will no where get 100 Mbps unmetered dedicated at $15.

You agreed to the terms which clearly states there is no refund on upgrades.

Try to use more than 30 TB there on your so called good connection and see the result.
but you will no where get 100 Mbps unmetered dedicated at $15.
I just proved otherwise to you are you just too stupid to realize it?

Try to use more than 30 GB there on your so called good connection and see the result.
I've already used over 50Gb with this (I finally have a VPS which I can use). Result is great.

It's nice to finally have a working VPS, not one that is run by a scammer.
Here's another screenshot of my new VPS. This time - downloading.
BTW, this guy also doesn't say DEDICATED 100Mbit.

It's great what $16 can buy:
I just proved otherwise to you are you just too stupid to realize it?

I've already used over 50Tb with this (I finally have a VPS which I can use). Result is great.

It's nice to finally have a working VPS, not one that is run by a scammer.

I am happy to see that you already have used over 50 TB in a couple of days on a 100 mbit line on your new VPS. And that too at $16. It is surely a great VPS. Please stick to it. Also please pass on the provider info to me as I am getting lured to purchase such a VPS :D
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