- Earn money up to 45$ - 15 GB filesize

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where r u from coz duckload is very fast in france

Hi tonny

it is nothing to do with countries, as I said premium download is very fast, also there is very fast servers for free download but also there is another servers are bad and slow for free download, and Duckload knows about this problem.

maybe you did not test every single link with free download to know about that.

I gave the details in my previous reply.
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duckload it's more than 2 months & you didn't add webmoney
is it so difficult ? !!!!!!!!

It is, they have to accept our automatical payouts and so on.

still no payment in AP almost 9 days now ... when can we expect the payemnt duck??

I can't tell you a date, we're working on the problem and do our best to provide the AlertPay payments as soon as possible, the paypal users can confirm that we still pay, it's just a problem with AlertPay which we try to solve as fast as possible.
okay duckload we know u have aproblem with AP
but tell us what will done with our lost payments on 12- 4 -2011
Because i lost 50 Dollar b4 and didn't get paid
is that what will happen ?
DuckLoad FTP Doesn't work on US RDP i tried it just give me "Error Connecting" or something like that in FileZilla :( could you please launch US FTP? of DUckload like i.e :)

Duckload Pays On Monday if you have entered your Paypal id!, received 4 payments so far! , but there is a complain! Your Ranking system really sucks! i daily get around 100+ downloads and all the files are +2GB and i only earn around $1. This is really bad!, Please Duckload Help me or improve ur ranking system!
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