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A problem:
In our forum users have found that files larger than 400 MB will never be counted (no download counting).
I checked it with my account. It's the same.
All files bigger than 350 MB are not counted at all. No downloads since beginning.
Files < 350 MB have many downloads.

Do you have the same effect and error?
yeap looks like they need to setup over 400mb files :) this asap for all of us

send ticket

it's only 6-8 days operating and bugs may found

update 20th dec.

ticket about the bug send

please if anyone speaks fluently german make a proper ticket also to report this error in order to fix this critical bug for files over 400mb to be counted :(
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@plauzi bug already reported still no response from them which is not a good sign......

if u have time report the 400 mb counting error-bug to support as this is critical
guys sent an email to them for at least make an official thread for this host and send a representative same as, since they also own this site.

@plauzi bug already reported still no response from them which is not a good sign......
if u have time report the 400 mb counting error-bug to support as this is critical
The bug was already reported from some of us.
The only answer since 5 days is:
Lieber Kunde,

vielen Dank für Ihre Anfrage und Feedback, das wir an unsere technische Abteilung zur raschen
Bearbeitung weitergeleitet haben. Der Fehler ist bekannt und es wird zur Zeit intensiv an der
Behebung gearbeitet.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen

Google Translate:
Dear Customer,

Thank you for your inquiry and feedback we have to contact our technical department rapid
Have forwarded processing. The error is known and it is currently hard to Remedy worked.

Sincerely yours
@plauzi OK. thks for reply and prompt.

I personally already reported the critical bug-error to them (in german i used a translator as i know a few and english on friday still NO reply :( ) that none of the files above 360-400 mb are not counted at all by their system.

Hope they know how to fix so we are waiting (well it's christmas but some tech's should fix this) as this is so critical and affects whole users.

we 'll be here if anything new comes and post the news.

Since they invest on this project i m sure they ll figure out this otherwise it's like a beauty without something important.
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I'm sure now uploaded own uploadzer
without talking about the script and the affiliate...
What make me sure is the upload speed, now UL is slow via ftp, Cloudzer also slow
It's not normal that they use same servers if they aren't one
Thank you for your inquiry!

We have received your payout-request which currently processed by our Affiliate Management
Department. After approval the payment will be made after 30 days :facepalm:
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