- 100% Pay Per Sale & Up to 15$/1000 Downloads

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  • All Affiliates Payments Have Been Paid
  • [strike]About 15 Affiliates are left they will be Paid Soon (Tomorrow or the next day)[/strike]
  • Alertpay Will be Paid on Monday As Usual

That's NOT true,I still got nothing and Im waiting from 01.03.12.
I have PM-ed U regarding my issue a few days ago but no response from U,so...

The only staff member from CC how was so kind to update me after some delay was @snkr007,


Ohh sorry i forgot to inform you that you will get that money on 10th March.

I have checked your account and it was mistakenly marked as PAID by some staff member and payout was not sent to your paypal last week...

You will be paid after 2 days...

And now @Cindy CC make such announcement ???

You will be paid tomorrow...

Upload seems to be normal from my side...!!

i have thi error with firefox and google chrome
That's NOT true,I still got nothing and Im waiting from 01.03.12.
I have PM-ed U regarding my issue a few days ago but no response from U,so...

The only staff member from CC how was so kind to update me after some delay was @snkr007,

And now @Cindy CC make such announcement ???

I gave your paypal email id to Cindy to send you payment but ....................

You will get payment asap...!! You have my words..!!
hi there snkr007 or cindy today i got 5 files deleted and i only knew by complete luck coz i remember the number of my files i wanna know why and if this is dcma i then u didn't check my files coz they are for 100% none copyrighted to any one the world so u didn't check or ask the complainer to give international proof and digital signature u didn't tell me to dispute and counter claim that and i have no notice that any of my files got deleted did u know how hard it was to know which once? am still in the process of moving my armada of data 500+ files into your servers and if any one other uploader can remove my files this way then neither me nor anyone esle can work probably with CC so i need an answer please to sort this out before i continue

oh great also u shaved the money earned by those none dcma non violating any terms file please check and sort
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