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  1. V

    Dedirdp !

    my rdp is down, i opened ticket and after 2 days no answer from dedi support
  2. V Discussion

    letitload pay on webmoney, every week, do not use it because it pays very little for my traffic, only 1,5 $/1000. as a host is good, space 1 tera, good upload and good download for free or registered users
  3. V

    Make Money From StarzBOX (Requires Premium)

    don't work mail confirmation
  4. V

    The best free filehost?

    fileweed is down from several hours today
  5. V

    Is anyone Used pay or not

    today site is down. __________________ Added after 2 Days 7 Hours: the site is down from Saturday morning..... bye bye fileweed :wave:
  6. V - PPD & PPS. No Download Delays, Decent Speeds & Huge Storage!

    hi, does not count downloads from my file, it's the first time i use thi host, i'm free user, is thi the problem? i already set the ppd program
  7. V

    Mediafree.Co Earn PPD And Referral Minimum 4$ Daily Payouts

    Uploads are disabled for your user type please update my account username: vojslav
  8. V - Daily payment PPD up to $5/1000 downloads, no limit speed, support WMZ

    this wait since yesterday: Payments history Date Amount Status 2014-09-16 $4.06 PENDING If the payment is daily... nick fileinz: morlacco
  9. V File Hosting

    torrent upload is not present
  10. V

    Putlocker, Filecloud, Billiouploads

    this is = ifile i use this host, it's really good, premium user have 100GB for "private file" and unlimited storage for public file, prize for premium it's very low and premium user have a "leech service" . max file size is 1GB for premium & free in upload/download
  11. V File Hosting

    :facepalm: Markisio, go to real job.