Extabit.com File Hosting

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Fair enough, just never happened before so was a little suprised. Ignore PM I guess. Will leave it for a bit.

Also when paypal is sorted do you think you will pay the back payments in one go or space it out?

Thanks and keep up the good work

this is cache.
Lol just did, now the other question please?
"can't you wait gyus for payement EXTABIT will never scam you just wait."... that words reminds me the Filesonic times !
Every filehosts are scams , if they have problems they run with our hard worked money, but there are some 15 yeard old "baby's" that still believe in Santa. Believe me, every filehost don't give a s...t about you, me or our earned money.
"can't you wait gyus for payement EXTABIT will never scam you just wait."... that words reminds me the Filesonic times !
Every filehosts are scams , if they have problems they run with our hard worked money, but there are some 15 yeard old "baby's" that still believe in Santa. Believe me, every filehost don't give a s...t about you, me or our earned money.


Markisio, go to real job.
I believe in EXTABIT,
EXTABIT is my friend so i must help him when he is in hard time i ll not go away from him ,
Extabit I promise you i ll work hard for you all my life .
I love you my friend.
Its only a one week delay, its happened before it will happen again.

I belive in you extabit, but I just thought of this today.

Weren't you guys ALREADY paying us on one week delays to avoid this kind of crap?
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