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Intense, mine is expiring, can i get FLV splitter installed so i can open FLV files with MeGUI, if you can install that i'll renew, if not :)i hate you lol
Its in my folder, im user manie1230

File is FLVSPlitter.ax

It goes in the c drive or w/e and you gotta run the command to register it

Example below

Extract the .ax file to a folder and then Start->Run and type regsvr32 "C:LocationtoFLVSPlitter.ax" to install it.

Get this extracted, take ADMIN ACCESS from support and install on C DRIVE yourself.

Dot net can be done, sql not possible
Simple to get the 2.5 points back.

Don't know if its just me or everyone,but if i close the RDP app, after a while my session will close, and i lose what i was working on.

Last month i had connection issues from my ISP, so id lose connection randomly and not know it while im sleep....and then the session closes :(

Is this something you can change so it doesnt happen?
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