BulletUpload.com - $40 for 1000 downloads or 50% from sales and rebills.

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Let me clarify some things, I will talk straight:

1. The new owner doesn't have access yet, it will have when we finish the transfer, most probably on tuesday!

2. When we anounced that the affiliate system will be paused, 90% of you didn't uploaded anymore, so that means we didn't made money anymore. Also all of our money got stucked in investments for servers, bandwith, etc

3. The uploaders who continued uploading and even a part of those who didn't but bringed us big revenue in the past were paid, and there are still some who will be paid during these days

4. The users who will not be paid will be recompensated through other options, like receiving premium membership for a longer period of time. You should appreaciate this considering that other filehosters didn't paid, didn't answered and didn't give any other compensation!

5. The new owner is a big Company that has money and resources to keep this website working, to buy servers and to pay all affiliates at time, but he wants to start from begining, I coudn't just give them the website with debts

Thank you for your cooperations and we are sorry for all problems and inconveniences!

I had my money but I find this a very strange attitude not to pay the "bad" uploaders because you think they are the reason you stopped making money.

So, my understanding is that you gave away the website for free to the new owner and are now completely bankrupt ?

What you are doing now is chasing away your uploaders so the new owner can indeed make a fresh start, a brand new site without uploaders. But is seems you don't care...

Giving away free premiums is easy, as it cost you nothing and will only negative influence the new owner's financial results. Top uploaders should have free premium anyway.
You didn't want to give him the website with debts? wtf, why should we pay your bills? we are the workers here. we need to be paid. i have 34 sales...and i bet at least 50% of those are rebills and you gave me only 1 month of premium and i actually bought one myself. I-m an uploader for a looong time but this is just bullcra*

so you tell us that we don't deserve the money because we didn't uploaded enough? how the hell should we upload when you keep telling us that you buy new servers and you work hard and the upload speed is the most crappier i've ever seen!

I am sorry but this is unacceptable.

I really don't give a flying fuc* about the premium, i can earn money as a free user as well.

You rejected my payment because i'm not a top earner? i'm one of the few that trusted you at the beginning, and you show here and tell me that i didn't actually earned enough to deserve to be paid?!

Oh, c'mon!
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Let me clarify some things, I will talk straight:

1. The new owner doesn't have access yet, it will have when we finish the transfer, most probably on tuesday!

2. When we anounced that the affiliate system will be paused, 90% of you didn't uploaded anymore, so that means we didn't made money anymore. Also all of our money got stucked in investments for servers, bandwith, etc

3. The uploaders who continued uploading and even a part of those who didn't but bringed us big revenue in the past were paid, and there are still some who will be paid during these days

4. The users who will not be paid will be recompensated through other options, like receiving premium membership for a longer period of time. You should appreaciate this considering that other filehosters didn't paid, didn't answered and didn't give any other compensation!

5. The new owner is a big Company that has money and resources to keep this website working, to buy servers and to pay all affiliates at time, but he wants to start from begining, I coudn't just give them the website with debts

Thank you for your cooperations and we are sorry for all problems and inconveniences!

Fortunately i never use your filehost because i didn't have confidence in you and i was right.

And very bad argument. You announce that the affiliate program is in paused and you are surprised that uploader stop to upload files? Are you kidding? And you say that you don"t make money if uploader stop to upload. It"s false you continue to earn with the old files....
In fact the cost of the server and bandwitch is used as an excuse for not paying your affiliates. Because the cost of server is not so important ! And if you would really respect your affiliate , why haven't you close temporarly the registration for new uploader? Because close registration for uploader = no need to buy new server until few weeks.

And if the new owner doesn't want to pay "debts" , we can assume that he doesn't want to receive money of premium sales (made before he come) rebill ? Maybe your site has debts (i'm not sure?) but it has also assets...
Yup, that's what I've been saying. Even if we uploaders stopped uploading files on them as we still wait on what new implementations will be, they should be glad that we still never delete our currently uploaded files. And to see that bad argument by me as one of those uploaders, it's kind of frustrating. I've been patient enough to wait, and the old owner still want to get MORE from us saying that we should have uploaded MORE when we aren't that sure yet if the new owner will give us a good affiliate system/rules.

He's still all about $$$$ even when he's about to leave us. Damn.
If you don't like it, leave it, you guys are going to go back once they start paying again.

You guys are such drama queens.
I hope their not lying, that the bulletupload have a new owner. It seems to me that there's nothing change in bulletupload and also they removed the log in page. i hope their not SCAMMING us.
I'm checking some of my files now with the new filehost name and I'm seeing that this information is showed to downloaders:

Uploaded by: (my account)
Uploaded on: (date I made the upload)
Downloaded: (downloads count)

I don't remeber if Bulletupload showed this information however I don't think downloaders must know this because is personal.
I hope Fiberupload is fixing this.
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