BulletUpload.com - $40 for 1000 downloads or 50% from sales and rebills.

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Date Downloads Premium Sales Referrals Total 2012-03-01 20 / $0 0 / $0 $0 $ 2012-03-02 48 / $0 0 / $0 $0 $ 2012-03-03 42 / $0 0 / $0 $0 $
110 / $0 0 / $0 $0 $0
so you wanna tell me that no one got the e-mail that says they will suspend there affiliate coz of new owner and will restart under new host name ?? come on surly they didn't just send it to me only
BulletUpload: You said you are gonna pay us our payments?
Then, What the hell is this??
Seriously, why are there a lot of people who asks questions without bothering to check things first? When they noticed something, they go "Why blah blah blah" even though they could have got the answers quicker by trying to check things first.

Ah, removed from sticky thread. It could be because of not being able to respond on people's inquiries. I feel something not good about this, already am using another filehost while waiting how things will turn out later.
Got my final 170$ (wasn't it 180 ?!), after two other payments of just a bit less in the past.

I have hopes for the future, after all, this was a filehost that both EARNS and PAYS.
Would an investor throw money just in order to destroy everything ?
(reply : many investors do that, lol. Just got to keep hoping.)
Who is the better host files, for you......

for me none....

That's my position at the moment - as far as I can see there simply isn't a file host worth working with. Basically they either turn into scams or their terms and conditions make it not worth bothering. Also I can't find a host with decent download speeds - they are just swamped as soon as they open with people who (I suppose) are willing to work like slaves for little reward. I'm not prepared to do that - my time has a value. I simply refuse to pay for any more premium accounts 'till I see that the host works properly and continues to do so for a reasonable length of time - so far no host has met those conditions or even come close so I prefer to do other things for now.
Similar view from here. I think as long as there are this many uploaders who are willing to risk trial-and-error, the probability of a scam filehost to pop up like mushrooms is still high.

Looks like things aren't settling down as soon as I expected, maybe more time will it take before a reliable file hosting is to prove himself of good reputation.

About the rates, it would be the same. As long as there are willing uploaders to risk around, the competition is low as other older file hosts fails to handle the immigrant uploaders, and this further increase the birth rate of scam hosts to take over the desperate and lost in the dark uploaders who try to prevent their sites/blogs from losing audience.
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About your payment‏
Email from bulletupload.

Like you may already know, the website was sold and because of legal and accounting issues your payment can't be processed for the momment.

Unfortunately, neither we can't keep your payment request until the next payout because the new owner wants the website without any debts.

We don't want to screw you, you were on our side even when the website didn't worked well, so we will give you a premium membership in exchange of your amount, wich will help you on the new website to make even more money.

Sorry for the inconvenience, this wont happen again in the future, this is one time issue because of transfering the ownership of the website.



I don't need premium account. I need money!

Do not do anything!
Let me clarify some things, I will talk straight:

1. The new owner doesn't have access yet, it will have when we finish the transfer, most probably on tuesday!

2. When we anounced that the affiliate system will be paused, 90% of you didn't uploaded anymore, so that means we didn't made money anymore. Also all of our money got stucked in investments for servers, bandwith, etc

3. The uploaders who continued uploading and even a part of those who didn't but bringed us big revenue in the past were paid, and there are still some who will be paid during these days

4. The users who will not be paid will be recompensated through other options, like receiving premium membership for a longer period of time. You should appreaciate this considering that other filehosters didn't paid, didn't answered and didn't give any other compensation!

5. The new owner is a big Company that has money and resources to keep this website working, to buy servers and to pay all affiliates at time, but he wants to start from begining, I coudn't just give them the website with debts

Thank you for your cooperations and we are sorry for all problems and inconveniences!
About BU's admin's answer :well, at least I appreciate the honesty. (And having received all my payments helps, true).
Being told no bullshit is so rare, these days.

I hope the new owner doesn't scrap the job.
Well, you can't blame us for stopping the uploading. You should have expected that when these uncertainty have been here.

Still, I am willing to work with this file host, but after I received my premium and see the others getting payed too. I still have files uploaded to BulletUpload and shows download counts everyday with no earnings. You can't blame us for stopping the uploads, you still earn on the already uploaded files.
OH,the same of GrooveFile i have got...not money,instead of 3 mounths premium..lol....
Plz click "LIKE" if you like payment than premium given..Thank you...
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