BulletUpload.com - $40 for 1000 downloads or 50% from sales and rebills.

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For uploaders: We are not a storage website, we are a file sharing website and we want to make money along with our affiliates.. so whats the point on storing files that doesn't take visits?

For everyone who buy premium to make a backup or something else, I think 2 months without any download is enough.

Why to host it if you don't use it? Right?
If you don't want to do something just say no...don't try to find stupid apology, Filesonic never delete premium files and it was the best. And also Fileserve, Wupload ecc.. have never delete premium files and they where at the top.
The simple truth is that
you shine just because all the other stars of the sky that shone more than you are now dead, this gives you the opportunity to put stupid limits and rules like this .... however good luck, this is only my opinion.
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you guys are just talking shit.:facepalm:every filehost needs some times to be on top,and then they remove all limitations,filesonic at first had 400 mb download limit for free users,wasn't that stupid?but look after that!they raised it to 1 gb.fileserve never had pps system,that was something crap.rapidshare had a long waiting time between downloading files.just wait for couple month,bulletupload surely will come up with some offer.they bother to exist more than you guys!:)
you guys are just talking shit.:facepalm:every filehost needs some times to be on top,and then they remove all limitations,filesonic at first had 400 mb download limit for free users,wasn't that stupid?but look after that!they raised it to 1 gb.fileserve never had pps system,that was something crap.rapidshare had a long waiting time between downloading files.just wait for couple month,bulletupload surely will come up with some offer.they bother to exist more than you guys!:)
Yes you're right, I said those things because here I see a different way of thinking and a different way of behaving than other hosters that you mentioned, but as I've already said this it's only my opinion...and I've already wished them the best so no grudge :)
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can you explain me why is there a whole week missing? I was on PPD all the time.............

after ignoring me several times I've just deleted all my files and I've requested refund for my 1 month premium because I cannot really use that service as you have written on your premium page (I mean unlimited upload / download speed, where is it?), that's all, have a nice year :D
We are very busy in the last period and is difficult to respond on all messages in time.

optrader I don't know why you didn't get any downloads on your files. Maybe you have big files and for the last week the download limit was set at 400mb.

For all others:

After the crash of all big filehosts we had a huge traffic for download and also for upload. This is the reason we were setting this kind of limits and this is the reason we are upgrading continuously our servers.
If you check , all filehosts have this kind of problems (upload/download speed, storage space, and more other issues).
I am sure that our services are much better than of many other sites in this field.
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