BulletUpload.com - $40 for 1000 downloads or 50% from sales and rebills.

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I see FAIL everywhere. One has 50 kb speed for free users, other has download limit, another has some weird "piracy" rule, everyone is trying to fix tons of bugs..

I can't find a secure and proper host to upload after the Megaupload bust.
hi guys..,

although he is paying now

sorry to say...i lost faith in bulletupload...Beware...

i asked him to remove 400MB limit for free users..10 days back..

its not done yet

everyday he came online and spy around here but doesn't make a reply abt this restriction

very awful
i prefer the other filehosts where they reply to our questions even if its a "bad" question...but you know, we just have to wait until someone more professional take the lead..then bulletupload will cry becouse he blow up his chance to be one of the best filehost after the hostcalipse
Hi, we are very busy, this is the reason we don't reply fast, but we are posting here daily.
All major filehosts stoped their affiliate programs, or closed their sites ... so our traffic increases very fast daily and we must upgrade our network as well.

Max download file size changed to:
- guest: 800MB
- user: 1024MB
- premium:5GB

Storage space for free users increased to 80GB for now. Will increase again in the future.

why i can't upload files more than 400 MB ??

check your internet connection. for free users the limit is at 1024MB
Hi, we are very busy, this is the reason we don't reply very fast, but we are posting daily here.
All major filehosts stoped their affiliate programs, or closed their sites ... so our huge traffic increases daily and we must upgrade our network as well.

Max download file size changed to:
- guest: 800MB
- user: 1024MB
- premium:5GB

Storage space for free users increased to 80GB for now. Will increase again in the future.

hi bulletupload..,

nice...thanks for this update.:)

EDIT: yup..download speed for free user...really awful...:facepalm:do something abt this...
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