BulletUpload.com - $40 for 1000 downloads or 50% from sales and rebills.

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karadut you have 10 replies with same content if you dont like host why are you still here on the thread???

If you dont stop i will report you for spam and flaming!
karadut you have 10 replies with same content if you dont like host why are you still here on the thread???

If you dont stop i will report you for spam and flaming!

Please go for it. Don't even wait for a second.

I'm not related with any file host. I just criticize their service, or praise it. You won't give the permission to me.

The website will be down for about 1Hour.
We are making changes to increase the speed for upload and download.
Thank you for understanding.
I`ll let you know when is done
No. When I posted that reply was real.
Now I posted that is lower.
Because of the crash of other big sharing websites we have a huge traffic and now we making upgrades in order to handle it.

Kind regards
No. When I posted that reply was real.
Now I posted that is lower.
Because of the crash of other big sharing websites we have a huge traffic and now we making upgrades in order to handle it.

Kind regards
Ok, however your intetion is to reach those speeds enhancing your system, I think this is a positive attitude ^_^
The website will be down for about 1Hour.
We are making changes to increase the speed for upload and download.
Thank you for understanding.
I`ll let you know when is done.

Check the top of this page.
Max download file size changed to:
- guest: 800MB
- user: 1024MB
- premium:5GB
Please can you increase the unregistered users (guest) limit to 1024MB ? I think that this simple change will help a lots of uploaders to use your service because they will not have to change file size of a lots of their files...8-)
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