- High speeds & High rates - Official Support Thread

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It has been brought to our attention that your rates have changed & you have failed to respond to users for some time now in this official thread.

Thread has been closed until OP updates rates and is prepared to give some answers.
Rates table has been updated.

Rates changed on Monday the 29th April. I wasn't able to update the table until now because yesterday it was public holiday here.

Babanaik > I don't see any payment request in our system. Are you sure you have requested a payout ?
You should consider keeping files unlimited for premium users. File expiry after 45 days of no ddl is not a very good incentive to buy premium account. Offering fast downloads for prem users, big deal, dime a dozen. All hosts offer that. I'll give your host a go, but I probably won't buy a premium subscription. Unless you change the expiry policy.
It is true it would be nice to have a longer lifetime for files not downloaded.
Even if it is not unlimited, a minimum 90 days would be better.
Hello guys !

Sorry for the late answer. We had so much to do.

>> Now, earnings from files deleted because of DMCA will not be deleted, you'll keep it all

>> Files for premium will stay for 90 days without download !

Enjoy !
rates look pretty poor only 7 dollers for a 1000 downloads of filesize 1000 to 2000

lower the payout to 10 dollers if you dont i wount work with you
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ps2gameman > Please feel free not to work with us

>> We've just changed the captcha from SolveMedia to reCaptcha to allow "non-english" speakers to use our service easily :)

iAmDjmAd > For the moment it's impossible for us to offer unlimited lifetime for uploaded files
It's already done. The graphic designer still needs to update that table ;-)

Added after 3 Hours 39 minutes:

Table updated :)

Also, BrutalShare is working now with JDownloader and FreeRapid Downloader
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