BitShare - Free File Storage and Cloud Hosting

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no its not mate... it keeps rejecting me. it thought that at first but it does not work

Added after 10 minutes:

ok reset the pass and it got fixed
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I want to use this site but I still don`t know the rates...

Added after 7 minutes:

We are sorry, but an error occured:
Unexpected response result returned by main server

Seems to have problems on web upload.. and ftp is very low
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still waiting for someone kind enough to explain

if u an uploader who here to make money then select "Uploader" if u only downloading files from bitshare then select "Downloader"

If you wanna do payout by clicking payout button yourslef after you reach minimum amount then select "manual" but if you want BS to send you payment automatic weekly or whenever they due to pay without have to worry about clicking payout button then selec "automatic"

between it not so big of the deal bro! don't be too serious about this....
now at PLATINUM. thanks aloot Bitshare for appreciating my work


How do they rank this PPS Status?? Copper=50% and then......????

and also your average sale/per? that take you up to Platinum(80% right) ???

A bug?

i have only 1 sale today, it showed:

and i have only site:


anyway pm sent.

I think when people purchased sale on you site it will show 2 sales. For example i got 2 sales yesterday both are from my site and it show 4 with only 2 sale money added to the Bank!
webmoney payout marked as completed, but I did not receive the money in WMZ account.

Please Bitshare HELP , i made messtake when i wrote my WMID number insted of purse number when i requested payout but i sent mail to support two weeks ago, i updated my settings and put my purse number, i wrote here on forum about that i sent you PM and still no any response and HOW can i solve this?

jonzy00: This is not possible, payments are already out now.

DarkAcidBlue: How many times you want to ask it? Its just removed.

idondon: Currently rebills show as normal sales. But we will mark it soon better.

Christle: When you are streaming user, please dont use PPS.

KTito: No problems with signup. Please post more details what you do.
Christle: We dont do that manually, our system should assign your rank by your sales and download ratio.

saninokia: We will not give away free premium. Sorry.
jonzy00: This is not possible, payments are already out now.

DarkAcidBlue: How many times you want to ask it? Its just removed.

idondon: Currently rebills show as normal sales. But we will mark it soon better.

Christle: When you are streaming user, please dont use PPS.

KTito: No problems with signup. Please post more details what you do.
oki, thanks for answer, many of the other filehost's supports dont answer the questions.

Good work ;)
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