- Earn up to $30 for 1000 Downloads (Official thread)

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ftp doesn`t work
am l the only one with this problem????
username.. tholden73
plz check this out

edit.. also the browserupload doesn`t work
FTP works fine...just finished uploading 50 GB.

However, Remote Upload no longer works. It says finished but each file is 224 bytes
I e-mailed 3 times, as i want to translate the site into turkish, but no answers...

Anyway. I just exceeded 20$ and my payment option is automatic. Today is friday. When do i get paid?
If you apply for translator, you will get added to the list and email back very soon.

Payouts now can delay some time, please be patient as there is holiday time.
Well its 9PM IST..ftp speed is very low...Yesterday also at this hour of the day ftp uploading is very slow for me, its hardly touching 100kbps for me..but during the day time its much faster..May be additional resources required for you to fasten it up
Just started properly using Bitshare and I just wanted to post here to say that I am VERY impressed with the remote upload speed! Never used a service so fast for remote uploads before.
I agree. Very good service. Perfect does not exist. What you can try is to always improve. Thanks Bitshare. Long Life!
dear bs
i was able to remote anyway my links, i just used another method

i was wondering can u put the "last download date/time" instead of upload time?
i requested money in 2010-12-28. status still in queue. anybody is in the same situation ?
yup...I have two 'In queue' payments now request since 2010-12-27. but I understand it's holiday time so have to wait. no big deal for me anyway.:)
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