Selling Advanced Wordpress Autosubmitter

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The Wise One
Advanced Wordpress Autosubmitter

I spend a night and a morning coding on my own wordpress autosubmitter. It's the most advanced wordpress autosubmitter you can find. Basicly it submits your wordpress posts to several DDL websites with a single mouseclick.

You have the ability to build your own unlimited list of sites you want to submit too. The submitter has been tested with kDDL, custom DDL, DDLCMS and WCDDL (v1 and v2).

I would appreciate that after you bought this you keep it to yourself. You can use it on all your domains and websites, just keep it for yourself.

EDIT: As from the 4th of August 2011 VERSION 2 is released which has the same functionality but is even MORE EASY to setup!

PM me your transaction ID and exact payment date to receive the new version.

Preview why you HAVE to buy this ;)
(Just an example non-warez wordpress site)



  • $10

Why $10?

  • The $10 is for my time I spend coding this script, and for the time you will save in the future.

Payment methods

  • Paypal
  • Moneybookers

How to order

  1. Post in this topic that you are interested in buying
  2. I PM you my payment details
  3. You make the payment and reply to the PM with the method of payment you used, the transaction ID and the mail you want me to send the script to.
  4. You post a review in this topic so other members know wether this is worth buying or not (Optional)


Got the submitter and working Great after whoo helped me install it of such a noob :( anybody with a wordpress should absolutely buy it, Propz to whoo and thanks for the help man (y)

I'd just like to say, the auto submitter is awesome, works like a charm. Keep up the good work Whoo!
P.S The one I tested yesterday was the basic one, the one on the demo is outrageous (It's more advanced). Thanks.

yes I also have to say this is highly recommended :)

just got the submitter. I have to say this is awesome saves so much time and works perfectly submitted to 5 different sites with no problems. Anyone with a wordpress this is a must have.

Last edited:
pmed you

Replied ;)

Added after 4 Hours 55 minutes:

Failed to submit to ( (failed to connect to server))
Failed to submit to ( (server is up but couldn't submit))

tried both www and without www

The first error is a problem with either the connection between your server and nexusddl and the second one is another error which is on the end of atomicwarez.

This script has been working for over 2 years now, it doesn't just break. I suggest you contact them and let them know that they are missing on submissions.

It's even possible that if you try again now it will work ;)

it is possible to submit to autosubmiting sites with your submitter?
i mean etc

Yes, this is exactly what it does. Only you don't need to manually enter the fields no more, everything is filled in automatically. You can also compile a custom list of DDL websites that you want to submit to.

Hello, i would like to buy. Pm me.

Btw. it is working or no?

Check your PM in a minute.

Yes it is working else I wouldn't be selling it ;)

Hi, I want to buy this,

I will PM you in a minute.

Hi Whoo, i'm interested in buying this, i only have one question, is this for one site only or for more sites, because i have 2-3 blogs.

Cheers !


Once you buy it you may use it on each blog ;)

do u accept alertpay coz iam from egypt and paypal is banned :/


I'm sorry but I don't accept Alertpay. I know it's not allowed but try finding someone to either pay it for you or do a money exchange.

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