Selling Advanced Wordpress Autosubmitter

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The Wise One
Advanced Wordpress Autosubmitter

I spend a night and a morning coding on my own wordpress autosubmitter. It's the most advanced wordpress autosubmitter you can find. Basicly it submits your wordpress posts to several DDL websites with a single mouseclick.

You have the ability to build your own unlimited list of sites you want to submit too. The submitter has been tested with kDDL, custom DDL, DDLCMS and WCDDL (v1 and v2).

I would appreciate that after you bought this you keep it to yourself. You can use it on all your domains and websites, just keep it for yourself.

EDIT: As from the 4th of August 2011 VERSION 2 is released which has the same functionality but is even MORE EASY to setup!

PM me your transaction ID and exact payment date to receive the new version.

Preview why you HAVE to buy this ;)
(Just an example non-warez wordpress site)



  • $10

Why $10?

  • The $10 is for my time I spend coding this script, and for the time you will save in the future.

Payment methods

  • Paypal
  • Moneybookers

How to order

  1. Post in this topic that you are interested in buying
  2. I PM you my payment details
  3. You make the payment and reply to the PM with the method of payment you used, the transaction ID and the mail you want me to send the script to.
  4. You post a review in this topic so other members know wether this is worth buying or not (Optional)


Got the submitter and working Great after whoo helped me install it of such a noob :( anybody with a wordpress should absolutely buy it, Propz to whoo and thanks for the help man (y)

I'd just like to say, the auto submitter is awesome, works like a charm. Keep up the good work Whoo!
P.S The one I tested yesterday was the basic one, the one on the demo is outrageous (It's more advanced). Thanks.

yes I also have to say this is highly recommended :)

just got the submitter. I have to say this is awesome saves so much time and works perfectly submitted to 5 different sites with no problems. Anyone with a wordpress this is a must have.

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I'd just like to say, the auto submitter is awesome, works like a charm. Keep up the good work Whoo!

P.S The one I tested yesterday was the basic one, the one on the demo is outrageous (It's more advanced).

I have a wordpress blog and this is gonna make submitting a lot easier...ill buy, PM your msn i wanna talk to u if thats okay (y)
Got the submitter and working Great after whoo helped me install it of such a noob :( anybody with a wordpress should absolutely buy it, Propz to whoo and thanks for the help man (y)
Got the submitter and working Great after whoo helped me install it of such a noob :( anybody with a wordpress should absolutely buy it, Propz to whoo and thanks for the help man (y)
Great to hear you like it Mr-R-T as this is a fine piece of work IMO. All wordpress blog owners now have to spend less time filling submission forms thanks to this.
Another review from someone at DP:
just got the submitter. I have to say this is awesome saves so much time and works perfectly submitted to 5 different sites with no problems. Anyone with a wordpress this is a must have.

I install this for free if you can't do it after buying.


I got the submitter, and must say if you have a blog usinng wordpress and you submit your downloads you would be a fool not to get this. Coded great and have had no issues with it at all!
Just to let you all know know I will be creating a submitter for any web script like phpBB, vBulletin, IPB, wordpress.
just sent him the payment for the autosubmitter... didn't receive the submitter yet. when u do come online plz pm me here.
I went out to a bar. Once I got home I immediately uploaded it to Rapidshare and PM'ed you.
You shouldn't be suspicious so fast, actually it was downloaded twice so I need to be suspicious if you shared it or not.

Anyways, if you like it please post a review.
Not suspicious, but you should hav also left me a msg before leaving. anywayz, no harm done, i just left a msg so you could know after you came back.

and also i didn't know there was a download limit lol? as soon as i got the link i sent it to kenshin (u can search for him in wjunction), as he runs along with my sites and (all are hosted on the same servers that i pay for and the same network "Lost Network"). So obviously its downloaded twice, since you did say in the main thread "You can use it on all your domains and websites."

Anywayz, enuff bitching, sorry for the ruckus. your script is awsum, fast and working perfectly. So recommended script for any wordpress users.
Not suspicious, but you should hav also left me a msg before leaving. anywayz, no harm done, i just left a msg so you could know after you came back.

and also i didn't know there was a download limit lol? as soon as i got the link i sent it to kenshin (u can search for him in wjunction), as he runs along with my sites and (all are hosted on the same servers that i pay for and the same network "Lost Network"). So obviously its downloaded twice, since you did say in the main thread "You can use it on all your domains and websites."

Anywayz, enuff bitching, sorry for the ruckus. your script is awsum, fast and working perfectly. So recommended script for any wordpress users.
Great to see you like it CrucifynDi3 , I wasn't saying that it can't be downloaded twice, was just making my point that I do not scam people. If I go offline somehow I mostly have a better reason then just "I went to a bar lol", but I had so many things on my mind that I completely forgotten you.

Anyways, great to see that the script is very helpful and 'awsum' :D
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