Selling Advanced Wordpress Autosubmitter

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The Wise One
Advanced Wordpress Autosubmitter

I spend a night and a morning coding on my own wordpress autosubmitter. It's the most advanced wordpress autosubmitter you can find. Basicly it submits your wordpress posts to several DDL websites with a single mouseclick.

You have the ability to build your own unlimited list of sites you want to submit too. The submitter has been tested with kDDL, custom DDL, DDLCMS and WCDDL (v1 and v2).

I would appreciate that after you bought this you keep it to yourself. You can use it on all your domains and websites, just keep it for yourself.

EDIT: As from the 4th of August 2011 VERSION 2 is released which has the same functionality but is even MORE EASY to setup!

PM me your transaction ID and exact payment date to receive the new version.

Preview why you HAVE to buy this ;)
(Just an example non-warez wordpress site)



  • $10

Why $10?

  • The $10 is for my time I spend coding this script, and for the time you will save in the future.

Payment methods

  • Paypal
  • Moneybookers

How to order

  1. Post in this topic that you are interested in buying
  2. I PM you my payment details
  3. You make the payment and reply to the PM with the method of payment you used, the transaction ID and the mail you want me to send the script to.
  4. You post a review in this topic so other members know wether this is worth buying or not (Optional)


Got the submitter and working Great after whoo helped me install it of such a noob :( anybody with a wordpress should absolutely buy it, Propz to whoo and thanks for the help man (y)

I'd just like to say, the auto submitter is awesome, works like a charm. Keep up the good work Whoo!
P.S The one I tested yesterday was the basic one, the one on the demo is outrageous (It's more advanced). Thanks.

yes I also have to say this is highly recommended :)

just got the submitter. I have to say this is awesome saves so much time and works perfectly submitted to 5 different sites with no problems. Anyone with a wordpress this is a must have.

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I would appreciate it if the members that bought this script from me could leave some iTrader feedback, it only takes a few seconds.

Click here to leave iTrader feedback

Much appreciated!
Hi Mate,

I'm interested in your service, just want to know is it works like autoposter like WPRobot?
could it do an auto schedule? does it submit to the site that you have in list or my list of sites?

Waiting forward for your answer mate :)

kind regards

It's full autosubmit to ddl?

or just same like at htt*p:// ?

I need full auto, so when I posting at wordpress then auto submit to ddl for every category..
Hi Mate,

I'm interested in your service, just want to know is it works like autoposter like WPRobot?
could it do an auto schedule? does it submit to the site that you have in list or my list of sites?

Waiting forward for your answer mate :)

kind regards


It is not like WPRobot, basically when you submit your content to a DDL website you have to manually copy past the titles, links and select the type of each submissions. This can be very time consuming! That's why I wrote this little script that allows you to easily add submissions with a single click (title, url and type are automatically filled in).

The auto schedule is possible but you would have to code that yourself since it isn't included in the script.

Yes you can compile your own list of websites that you would like to submit to ;)

If you have any more questions, feel free to ask and If you are interested in buying just send me a PM.

It's full autosubmit to ddl?

or just same like at htt*p:// ?

I need full auto, so when I posting at wordpress then auto submit to ddl for every category..

It's not 100% auto, 99% auto, see the reply I wrote to xeniux.

Advanced Wordpress Autosubmitter V2 has been sent to the email connected to the transaction.

Anyone else that hasn't gotten the new version and wants it, please PM me with your transaction ID and exact payment date.

what changed in v2? the SQL details still the WP's SQL?

DB_HOST = Wordpress DB_HOST?
DB_USER = Wordpress DB_USER?
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