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  1. M


    gotta say after all i've read about the kidnappings there... NO WONDER! it wouldn't be hard to throw one of those little people into a sack and throw them over your shoulder lmao
  2. M


    and btw, there's a lot better resources out there for webmasters then this second-rate forum
  3. M


    this is the place for shit talk SON... i'm just trying to get up there with people like faggot ass slimrider and fanobliv and of course my buddy sandi
  4. M


    hey man just wondering how tall ya are? Guatemala is a crazy place i hear, all you guys export is shortness and females for adoption.. what's with that?
  5. M

    black man tells it.. boom
  6. M

    who is the bigger prick

    i'm think i'm going to go ahead and call Sandin0 the winner
  7. M

    who is the bigger prick

    i beat you to the most obviously needed poll yeah 5 minutes :)) and you been here how long and haven't thought to do this yet? it's a goddamn sin
  8. M

    who is the bigger prick

    this isn't about my opinion lmao this is about everyone elses. cast your votes!
  9. M

    who is the bigger prick

    conclude va i knew i shoulda put myself on there too! *snaps finger* now look't.. i could give a fuuuck what any of ya think. it seems that most of this place is made up of pieces of shit so if nothing else i'm going to fit right in lol. enjoy and don't forget to cast your vote! they know...
  10. M

    who is the bigger prick

    don't know how long it'll last but it has to be done! i'm sure you've all wondered this at one point or another so it's time to find the answer! our players are: Sandin0 Vs. fanobliv
  11. M

    500 <3 love you WJ

    just like marriage
  12. M

    post your Favorite Youtube Music videos here
  13. M

    high from alaska

    hell yeah man! this place is rough.. i was just going to blow off the hate and leave this forum completely along but now after scanning the boards and seeing there's nothing but attitude here i think i could manage to have some fun
  14. M

    high from alaska

    he's known for drama eh? 8-) go figure. and i'd almost tend to believe ya about bc's quality. lived right out victoria on vanc. island for almost 6 years before moving back to alaska.. i'll call a tie as far as bc goes ;) oaksterdam has some nice stuff too, was there about a year ago and loved...
  15. M

    high from alaska

    if you smoked weed you wouldn't be a rude fucker more then likely... i guess it's possible your shit is low qual or something man. hey i could probably help you find a decent hook up in your area. i get around
  16. M

    Holding your breath in -30 ° C

    case pottiest no but a guy can take a piss and end up with an arched yellow ice sickle
  17. M

    high from alaska

    lol ok now that was actually funny. and alaska probably has some of the finest quality cannabis in the world. not that you would care
  18. M

    high from alaska

    hench violators cool beans man, i knew there a lot of smokers here. thanks for the welcome. there's a few cool people here i see... can't all be rude fuckers who own shitty little hosting sites LMAO. oo what a deal, those some good rates!
  19. M

    very hostile people here

    then don't spit out mama jokes and you don't have to worry about feeling like an asshole when you find someone that has a dead mother. i told my condition because the words "you're not cool" keeps getting said. hasn't a thing to do with cool.. my intro topic might have been a bit pointless given...