Who is the bigger prick?

  • Sandin0

    Votes: 14 63.6%
  • fanobliv

    Votes: 8 36.4%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Active Member
don't know how long it'll last but it has to be done! i'm sure you've all wondered this at one point or another so it's time to find the answer!
our players are: Sandin0 Vs. fanobliv
Hmm tbh i cant make a choice out of any of them as i dont know much about them but what i do know is that they try to keep wjunction stabilized one way or the other from trolls.
stop with your complaining

your making thread after thread.. not everyones gonna hug and kiss ur ass

quit crying about it already and get a life
conclude va

i knew i shoulda put myself on there too! *snaps finger* now look't.. i could give a fuuuck what any of ya think. it seems that most of this place is made up of pieces of shit so if nothing else i'm going to fit right in lol. enjoy and don't forget to cast your vote!
they know they're pricks, don't you?
who is fanobliv ?

Anyways reported.

=/ you're new and already starting to cause trouble.
reminds me of that lucy character.

Honestly, this isn't high school. It's the internet, no body cares for your opinion. Grow up.

but omgomgommog I want to be even more of a Loser than you. EVERYONE VOTE FOR ME!!! *sarcasm*
as requested I voted for you.

Where is the new north American mod? ahah this thread will be closed as soon as staff comes online.
Nope instead we will have a mod. from senegal :D

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