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  1. R


    i like the style, but i find the dark green member name's very hard to read. nice name for the site. but i suggest something more legible for the mem names. maybe a lighter shade of green? 8/10
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    Guest Section Or No Guest Section???

    we put a guest section in our's and its paying off big time. other area's are prone to spam and phishing links, guest is locked to uploader team and mods only. works best IMO.
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    Selling Database With 15,591 Members...

    wasnt this just sold to ultima?
  4. R

    Shared Need reseller

    im with secureservertech and its excellent. 50 a month for a decent reseller package.
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    looking for a site review. our first site.

    i installd vbulletin 18 days 6 hours and 1 minute ago on the server :p i spent 3 days working on it before we opened to the public. so yeah about 14 days is all :) can anyone reccommend some decent methods of income by adverts? so far donations are great, but i cant rely on them all the time.
  6. R

    looking for a site review. our first site.

    thanks for the feedback everyone. and the 5* rating! we have come a long way in 2 weeks, and were not slowing down :p hoping to get a front page up and running soon enough, but hard to find the time or the money to buy a good one. we spent a lot of money already but its paying off.
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    I'll help you with your site.

    jet, im having a few problems with some products and a new skin. i cant get some of them to work as im unsure about where to add the code in the postbit template's and such. any help?
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    looking for a site review. our first site.

    the purple theme is being worked on rigoursly at the moment. hoping to make it default sometime tonight. i know not everyone loves purple, but we have a great response over it. thanks for the review :)
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    looking for a site review. our first site.

    hi guys, looking for a review of our new site. i dont think were doing too bad for 14 days. thanks! and dont spare any feelings. im a big boy :)
  10. R

    which ad sites pay with paypal

    Section 4. Eligible Site(s). CPX reserves the absolute right to refuse in its sole discretion to affiliate with any Publisher. The following are examples of sites that are not eligible for participation: sites which contain material that infringes the rights of others (including but not...
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    error 503 server is busy. any ideas?

    ive been running the checkpoint moderation system for the last week on my site. any time a mod tries to disable it, we get a 503 error saying the server is busy. ive turned it off, and for the last 2 days we had no problems with the forum. now the error has returned and is giving error's...
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    EliteDDL - Rate It could not be found. Please check the name and try again.
  13. R

    brilliant idea. how is it done?!

    saw this site today. basically they use premium accounts to let guests download rapidshare links as free user's. its brilliant idea. would it be possible to implement something like this to my vbulletin based site? anyone have any idea how its done without sharing...
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    editied a template. now i screwed up

  15. R

    editied a template. now i screwed up

    i screwed up a small bit :p i was editing a template and ive messed something up on my board. i was installing the hack for moderator checkpoint system. i edited everything as i should, but the "views" and "un checked posts" are all blank when you go look at thread's. anyone able to help? i...
  16. R

    how to install a custom script on vB?

    anyone got some info on how to install custom scripts on a forum? ive got my site up and been through all the settings. now i want to install some custom vb scripts and a few extra bits. but no idea's where to start. any help? thanks
  17. R

    off shore hosting

    i was thinking instead of taking donations, could i just sell a .pdf file on how to tie your shoe laces or something?
  18. R

    off shore hosting

    would paypal not block you for this?
  19. R

    Shared | Offshore Plans

    yeah added all 3 of them i sent u a pm last night.
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    off shore hosting

    is that true? not to doubt you but im just checking. anyone else verify this?