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  1. F

    FileFactory Discussion

    thank you very much for the quick payout
  2. F - Your #1 Hosting & Video Service - The Fastest!

    please check my stats username Fechex
  3. F - Your #1 Hosting & Video Service - The Fastest!

    Slow speed download button dont work on firefox!
  4. F - Your #1 Hosting & Video Service - The Fastest!

    totally true! bigfile=scam :( rest in peace Uploadable
  5. F

    Byte Whale - 70% PPS initial sale + 60% Life time rebills

    can upgrade my account? user Fechex
  6. F - Discussion Thread.

    Please allow free users download up to 2GB
  7. F

    Lumfile-PPD back

    Does anyone received the 50% from rebills? I used this filehost for 5 months and never had rebills. i tried to contact them but they never answered
  8. F

    Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

    Almost one month waiting :facepalm:
  9. F

    Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

    and I'm still waiting for my payments :(
  10. F

    Ryushare - File Cloud Storage

    Still waiting ... :( 2012-10-22 PENDING 2012-10-02 PAID (was canceled) :'(
  11. F

    Megaload - Use With Caution

    There is no way available to buy a premium account!
  12. F - (PPS) 75% Sale + 75% Rebill, 20% Referral, Payout Weekly - Paypal, LR,

    I request my payment on 2012-09-01 and is PENDING
  13. F - (PPS) 75% Sale + 75% Rebill, 20% Referral, Payout Weekly - Paypal, LR,

    I'm also hesitating of this site. I have many downloads but few sales and I'm not earning even half of what I earned with other sites.
  14. F

    Please do not remove files due to copyright infringement in less than 24 hours! :'( wait 48 at least
  15. F - cPanel, 5GB Space, 300GB Bandwidth from $2.50/month (NL)

    daring host always have problems with the server!