FileFactory Discussion

We have been operating for 16 years, I don't think we would still be around if we were a scam :)
I have 10 years in this world of uploading
and heard that you ban uploaders who try to collect your money
They get banned with the excuse that Kimdotcom was arrested hahaha
and that's why we ban you, they use the same banning tactic as
I myself was a victim of their bans and that I didn't even charge anything, the funniest thing about the ban they gave me
It was the stupidest excuse I've ever seen
banned for tampering with the system hahaha
that time I didn't even know how to manipulate the system hahaha
you are very motherfuckers, coming to a serious forum to say you support uploaders
when you all the time since you were online
they give ban to anyone who wants to withdraw their winnings
too bad of you mr. fileshit


Discuss issues with the FileFactory staff here :)
I have been a FF affiliate for years through many ups and downs and SEVERAL late or delayed payments, but now it seems you have stopped paying completely.
I have payments pending since November last year and despite several support tickets (most of which get ignored) I have still not been paid.
I use ff from 2 years , but since September 2020 , they don't pay , on 2021 they just payed a part 100$ and reject the rest ,i accumulated about 1500$ & requested them , from a month ago they suspended my account without any warning or information ,i mailed them but they say owner reported, so your account closed cant get it back...without any info about who or which files are reported... they can delete files or warning me they use my files to earn money sometime they change files for premium only...
filefactory is being scammers payouts i know friends request money from 6 month+
Hi FF Support i did not get this month payments i sent you an email pls respond and pay my this month payments

Guys i am a member since start and i got payments regularly ff is bes site

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