Lumfile-PPD back

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They did not pay. just mark status paid. But noting in my moneybooker a/c. Lol

Also, they force to use PPD if you change it PPS to PPD. U can not change it later like after 7 days unless they do it for you menually. Also their support is very poor. They won't reply you if you asked about Payout or change plan to PPS. So Friends suggest you stay away from them. else will cry later. All da bst.
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Do they still block the US? If not they definitely did in 2012 which is why I would never ever consider affiliating with this host...

nothing blocked infact with their new payment processor usa sales converting well

Hmmm, interesting but still I'd be leary to work with them much because whose to say that they won't randomly decide to switch up their policy and make a bad business decision again.

Thanks for the info tho, I might try em out as a downloader :)
Many lies here , i follow lumfile for a while and the are trusted and i now there forum where the give support and stranges no user there get banned when the ask payout ....
@lawina I know you are a hard working and trusted Uploader, but don't call other User that they lie. I guess with Lumfile is the same like Filefactory and some other Hosts, they pay only those Uploaders which give them many Sales, and Uploader which are on PPD and don't generate Sales were banned after requesting. This happened to me for example with Easybytez (after 3rd Request). Don't know Lumfile, but by FF i'm pretty sure that they only pay those Users with Sales. Regards nikita
I get them few big sales last week and they ban me 2 days after request. Why you call me lier? I just wrote what happened. Their support don't answer on my mails.

PS - lawina, sent you PM, pls answer

Btw - all you call extabit scam, but they paid me last 15 months XXXXX $$, they don't ban acount, just didn't pay 2 payouts, but pay all after that.
Many lies here , i follow lumfile for a while and the are trusted and i now there forum where the give support and stranges no user there get banned when the ask payout ....

agree with u ..myself working with lum from long time payouts always on time weekly..
guys who dont know, zefile was the same as lumfile, previously lumfile had ran into trouble (around a year ago) twice. everything was lost (users files n money) as of today zefile does not exist, without any explanation there is no zefile anymore. lumfile has always paid me on time, but yet i have never considred it as one of the best hosts, infact i do consider it as one of the bad (not worst though)
Does anyone received the 50% from rebills? I used this filehost for 5 months and never had rebills. i tried to contact them but they never answered
Filehosters with subscribe payments will never pay for rebills. Want to get some money do bills and rebills, use only not subscribe payment filehost. I use, today i received my 4th payment. I have requested yesterday. Sorry for bad english and if i cant talk about other filehosters, sorry for this too.
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