You won't believe this....Awesome

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Active Member
I received an AMAZING email a few weeks ago asking about advertising.

She wrote me this.
I am the business relations manager of poker strategy guide. We are currently running a promotion campaign where we are looking for high quality sites that are not necessarily related to card games.

I think Xbox 360 Union is highly interesting from this perspective and we would love to get some coverage on it. So I am really looking forward to hearing from you,
Did you heard that "we are looking for high quality sites" B-)

At the end of the conversation and all the sh1t we talked she agreed to pay me $150 for 6 months. 8-)

Not Bad..HUH!

How exactly do you know if the person is for real? Yes the email may look professional but anyone can do that and fool people. Since it's a weeks ago you must have got some sort of reply or they must've asked you to do something? If you got this ''Amazing'' email then other members on this board who get emails like yours will post threads that they got a ''Amazing'' email.....It's more like showing off and advertising. So it's best to keep it to yourself or if your really hyped about it make an announcement on your forum. ktnnx
Your site sure looks 'high quality'.
Adding POKER to WAREZ is like trying to mix OIL and WATER.

Lol.. either way, $150 for 6 months.. IMO SUCKS!
G'Luck though, since you're pretty excited, must be your first time.

You got the money yet? Or still 'hoping' to get it?
pufff... 150$ per 6 months... that really sucks... you can make that every week with an average site !

I know its nice money if its your first time as a webmaster... But im 200% sure that this is a scam...
its fake, i have recieved many e-mails not related to website advert particularly but they are written in a pro way. so i guess its fake too
lol some ppl are hating on him cause they never got something like that or ever even been tried to get scammed because they have a "High quality site"
Its not fake guys I really got pay.

it looks fake..just like lottery winner email it looks also professional like you just win this much dollar take your money from this bank and contact ths person..blah blah

But you might give a try who knows if she is real??

LOL EDit: he already got paid ..Congrates mate!
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