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  1. S - Get Paid Up to $2.20 per 1000 Image Views!

    Ive been using them for a month. And been payed every monday via paypal. Nice, fast and paying. You guys should make a support forum or something for users !
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    Terror Attack On Norwegian Government

    - 7,000 soldiers in afghanistan between 2001 and 2010. - 200 soldiers in Irak. in 2003 And as said by you, several fighters within NATO attacks !
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    [LE] Free to join - - PR1

    Hi guys I opened my new site a couple of days ago. Feel Free to join my link exchange located here If you want to trade hard links you can drop me Pm ! Thanks !
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    Rapidleech Hosting

    @ hiteshpatel007 -> Nice try ! Its a bad rapidleechosting website rip !
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    Is your pc a female or a male?

    MALE ! I guess its called Max !
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    want to invest 1500$

    Hi. I agree with you mate. Im actually doing that in Argentina. I dont know the "real" actual situation of the USA Markets, but I guess that USA is near default. Even if they dont bankrupt, markets will shake really hard. So I dont understand why youre buying precious metals for production such...
  7. S

    help: which control panel it is

    Its called CPX and its Verios own Control Panel.
  8. S

    File-Sharing Is Not a Religion, Says Swedish Government

    @ mrSandvik -> LOL... Yeah I could try something similar in argentina to avoid paying some taxes...
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    What would you buy if you had $400 ?

    I need a plane ticket to c my girlfriend in Spain... and Im arround $600 short. So I guess i could use it for getting the ticket... or... As Loget said... 1/2 hour with a russian blonde prostitute... lol..
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    Our World in Year 3000 (Funny!)

    lol... very funny ! I saw somthing similar but it was adult humor ! Thanks !
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    hey dambo14... Im from Argentina ! Welcome to Wjunction !
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    Hosting warez in Germany vs. Netherlands

    Youre right Hostkey. Russia is the safest place.
  13. S

    UK 1gbps port? who got that? they offer 1gbps dedicated and shared uplinks ! Although they are marked as a "shit datacenter" in the USA... A couple of months ago I tried a rapidleech server hosted at and the speeds to america were better than other servers hosted in the USA... lol.. I...
  14. S

    Anything better than CINCOPA

    toothmaniac r u paying $80 a year for only 7gb of montly traffic ? tahts insane ! you should return to hostgator and grab one of their managed vps. You wont be dissapointed. I had a vps with them and 0 downtime + great support !
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    Best hosting for legit site

    go with hostgator you wont be dissapointed ! Its the best hosting arround and has the best support I saw.
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    what wud u prefer to BUY: blog or forum??

    Both. Forums are harder to manage. You need time, moderators, build a team if your forum gets big, etc etc. A blog is a 1 person job. you update the site when you want, you dont have to manage users or problems between them, etc etc... So, I guess that buying a blog or a Forum will depend...
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    Porn or without porn

    L.O.L... I agree...
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    knownsrv downtime + 5 hours !

    @rahult -> It depends on the provider. We all know that many companies oversell their servers in all means. By the way Krun!x, thanks for solving my problem !
  19. S

    knownsrv downtime + 5 hours !

    accyuklad, theres no need to upgrade to a vps. My site is only 600 uniques a day. Besides I can tell you that I have experienced more downtimes with vps from other "well known providers" than with knownsrv shared hosting !