Shared - cPanel,7 GB Space,100 GB Bandwidth, from 6$/month

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lol... u were saying for refund, wtf? we are not bitches, no body cares about 4$, so you better stay away from this thread or someone (i) will report you...
you don't have the right to say some one bad here on wj.

+ this is warez, you can't expect good from anyone.
tedjones, plz dont accuse anyone without any proper proof. XSL wont run away dude, he refunded many of the guys. Now plz stop ur BS -_-

Ps.... He is very good into server management thing.
.htaccess is disabled means this hosting sucks. This is the first hosting company I am seeing, that disabled .htaccess. Even if you are on paid hosting! Free hosting company does that(Disabling htaccess).

So, how many time we can contact your support team? How fast your support team? How long we will have to wait each time for changing htaccess?
^ thanks for your honest comment we take the protection of our clients sites very seriously thats why we disabled .htaccess.

about support I'm almost all the time online through MSN,Tickets,Skype

Added after 4 minutes:

for all shared users your sites are up.

all the thanks goes for ecatel engineers they recovered your files, who ever saying ecatel DC crap (my answer is go fuck yourself hardly)

Kind Regards xD
Last edited:
^ thanks for your honest comment we take the protection of our clients sites very seriously thats why we disabled .htaccess.

about support I'm almost all the time online through MSN,Tickets,Skype

Added after 4 minutes:

for all shared users your sites are up.

all the thanks goes for ecatel engineers they recovered your files, who ever saying ecatel DC crap (my answer is go fuck yourself hardly)

Kind Regards xD

Thank you XSL, i knew you'd sort everything out. :)
Guys Come on, Just Chill. I believe, You both guys know many things about server management. So just chill or you can sing "Just chill chill just chill".

Hi hi
I just thought I'd add my 2 cents here.
I had their VPS for 2 weeks. During that time I had loads of problems with the website : 503 errors, general htaccess problems, VPS downtime, slow server etc. Really horrid.
Support was in general very responsive and answered all tickets in a timely manner. Unfortunately, their experience is somewhat limited and they couldn't fix all the problems. I actually started thinking that something was wrong with my forum.

The icing on the cake came one day when I went to my forum, to discover that my VPS had been WIPED CLEAN and reformatted to Ubuntu from CentOS. ALL DATA GONE KAPUT!

Their response to my ticket was: We're really sorry.
To their credit, they did refund me after that.

I moved over to Knownsrv and all my problems magically disappeared.
My forum has been working great ever since :D
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