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I can remote upload ".avi" files from filesonic to wupload directly. But ".rar" files are being uploaded slowly , why ??
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Hey Willy!
Uploaders stats are VERY BAD!
If you not made new promo payper download plan uploaders are going other hosts.
If uploaders go other hosts you not sell premium
Please new payper download promo!

What happens with my payment? :S I've always been honest with you, I'm already 2 months with wupload

receive your mail where to send post my links, I am now sending in PM

I need my payment to continue working with you
Yesterday Night I Changed My Plan To PPS 70% Because I am Getting Sales Daily Now Problem Is That I Got Only 6.72$ For One Moth Sale As I Seen The Promo Of August You Are Giving 100% on Premium Sale I Did'nt Got 100% Sale Money I Got Only 70% Sale Money.

It works like this, sahil:

If you're on 70% PPS between August 18 and the 31st:

Earn $50 from Premium Sales and we'll pay you 100% of the sales you generated from your link!

If you are a webmaster, add in the 10% site sales and you'll earn 110%!

Bonuses will be applied AFTER the end of the promo!


Added after 4 minutes:

I have problem with upload,my uploads stops when it reaches 99% and stands waiting.

Hey, Kliton!

How are you uploading?
Where are you located?
Are you free or premium?

More information, please.


please , i want rebills for wupload.
In the past, filesonic was not give revenue for rebills.But , wupload should be!!

Custom plans can be discussed with high sales-generating affiliates! :)

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Hey Willy,i have a question i can set limit for download to 400 mb for my files ?

No you cannot, Love.



What happens with my payment? :S I've always been honest with you, I'm already 2 months with wupload

receive your mail where to send post my links, I am now sending in PM

I need my payment to continue working with you

Scofiel (and anybody else in this position),

If you ever receive an e-mail from Fraud Control advising you that your payment is being held until you provide them with some information - SEND THEM THE INFORMATION and please, BE PATIENT.

Do not contact me, because I cannot help you - as long as you provide them with the information they request and it checks out - your payment will be processed!

willy remote upload Delete All Completed/ Error Files

function not working and also tired in the manual way by selecting each file individually
No problem, just a single person.
Very slow download and upload speed of each location.
But Willy does not get it.
Everyone reports that this problem.
You Can not Download and users.
Download Speed is realy sux.
If i had easly 100 download for every post,now 0-3 downloads.
You decided to ignore us? You think its the solution?
We want answer,when it will be fixed?

I'm premium user,Download speed: 80 kb/s.
No problem, just a single person.
Very slow download and upload speed of each location.
But Willy does not get it.
Everyone reports that this problem.
You Can not Download and users.

Please see below, NewDivx.

Please PM me the following info:

1) How are you uploading/downloading? (for Remote Upload, include where you're remote uploading from, what you're receiving - error or in queue. For FTP include the client you are using. Any 3rd party programs for upload or download, include)
2) What error are you receiving
3) When did this error occur
4) Your account ID - are you free/premium
5) Where are you located - a speed test for your connection
6) A traceroot to the server you are receiving issues from (if you know how to do this) or the link to the file which is giving you issues - if download, please send your IP as well

The more information we have, the easier it is for us to identify issues, the root cause, and enables us to address it in a timely fashion. DO NOT post this information on the board, because you will be posting your personal information in public.


Download Speed is realy sux.
If i had easly 100 download for every post,now 0-3 downloads.
You decided to ignore us? You think its the solution?
We want answer,when it will be fixed?

I'm premium user,Download speed: 80 kb/s.

If you guys can please provide the information requested above, I can help B-)

Otherwise comments like "download speed is realy sux" will get ignored because it gets none of us anywhere 8-)

WIlly the download speeds are low from USA....i noticed that i don't have USA downloads like before one month ago let's say...that's why my stats dropped...The most USA users complained at me are free users... :) Adding USA servers will be a good solution..i read in your lasts posts that wupload is planing this so we need to wait for servers instals :)
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