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Yes willy i know...but i was a litle bussy to teach my referals to get some sales :) to repay wupload :> Now it's time to get back in bussiness

You've been building yourself a good base of residual income with your referral earnings - now it's time to ice the cake with your own earnings!

<3Finally people in this thread are understanding each other and we are even helping each other . I`m really happy now !Lets help each other ! We have the most friendly support with us too - credit goes to Willy !
downlod stats r really poor due to slow download speeds,u never reply to this,are you even fixing that?

Just wanna help Willy to paste his post :)

Please PM me the following info:

1) How are you uploading/downloading? (for Remote Upload, include where you're remote uploading from, what you're receiving - error or in queue. For FTP include the client you are using. Any 3rd party programs for upload or download, include)
2) What error are you receiving
3) When did this error occur
4) Your account ID - are you free/premium
5) Where are you located - a speed test for your connection
6) A traceroot to the server you are receiving issues from (if you know how to do this) or the link to the file which is giving you issues - if download, please send your IP as well

The more information we have, the easier it is for us to identify issues, the root cause, and enables us to address it in a timely fashion. DO NOT post this information on the board, because you will be posting your personal information in public.

i just bought premium account today but im very disappointed with download speed. it goes around 70kB/s. u better fix it asap or people wont buy premium accounts in the future again.
blackemil That`s strange for you - you are posting really good content bro ! Anyway I`ve changed my plan today and I`ve already made 6 months sale .So I think that it`s up to us .Good luck to all !

i changed my plan when it introduce but start using Wupload links again from yesterday till now nothing for me no sale i wish i will get some :'(
Hello, I have a problem since two days ago with Wupload.

We have detected some suspicious behaviour coming from your IP address ("My Ip" XFF: "My Ip") and have been temporarily blocked.

I dont know why, I think I have a static IP (im not really sure, but I think), and no other people use my computer.

My username is the same as used in this forum, WolfAustral. I sent a ticket, and Mel reply to me that the block should end in 24 hours, otherwise I should respond to the ticket, but I can not see my existing tickets because I'm locked and I can not reach that section.

Then, I come to the forum. Can you help me? Thanks.
There is something i would like to say , i did read the Policy and i believe that the download count one time from Unique IP in 24 Hours .

the strange thing is , i did upload something , its 22 parts ppl downloading the files but most of them are 0 downloads . im pretty sure that they did download the whole files because they are keep asking me about the rar password , that means they did download the 22 files , but the counters not counting .

any idea about this guys ?
itsperfecthit, this is because Wupload count 1 download per unique IP in 24 hours.

If one of yours visitors download the first 5 parts in a day, you have 1 download for the file File.part1.rar , and 0 downloads for the files File.part2.rar, File.part3.rar, File.part4.rar, File.part5.rar.

If you have 10 files, ant the user in the second day download the 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 part, you have 2 download counted: The first file (File.part1.rar) of the first day, and the 6th file (File.part6.rar) of the second day.

(I hope it's understandable, my English is not very good)
Hi willy, if I am a high earner, can you make my plan of PPD in country A to include Japan? or increase the download rate on the PPD on my account? and What is considered to be an high earner $100+, $200+, $300+ per day is consider?
Are you a high earner azazel696? I don't know what is considered to be a high earner on wupload. I know a filesonic member that earns more than $1500+ a day and he is only #3 on filesonic's earning list. He was considered top earners. Filesonic has the top 50 people to be considered high earners, but wupload doesn't have such a list. So i want to know about what percent or places spot I have to be to consider as a high earner. That way I know if i am a high earner or not so i can get a custom plan.
Timeout error downloading from NL (Evoswitch DC) of WU, upload was fast (+80MB/s by FTP)

Fix download speeds, dont overload storage servers.
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