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yes remote stuck now for all hosts, after download is started ( letitbit, fso and netload)
are checked for it, remote is started for all 3 hosts, after 1 min after starting
all gives error or 404 error even if all files are alive.
ru with 300 fileserve links = 20 links done and 280 error " Error [User/Pass Invalid or plugin for that site temporarily unavailable]" or " Error [Wupload is temporarily banned from that site]"
check this willy :'(
ftp[filezilla] not working..yet again:facepalm:..begining to get a bit dispondent with this hostX-(...i'v never have probs with filesonic or fileserve[yet](yn)

so, what gives, willy??? seems you'll be loosing a lot of custom if this keeps happening:O
Hi everyone. :) Awsome file hosting site we have here and like every one site, this one have problems too. It's normal. FTP dosn't work to me neither, but i think they will fix it very soon (probably today).

WEB Upload is working fine, but sometimes when connection (personal) drop down and if your files are uploaded to 95% (10 files for example), no one of files are uploaded in Wupload.

Another problem for me: (I ask other affiliates)

Too many of my files are deleted due to DMCA. IF someone had the same problem AND knows how to bypass the DMCA, PLEASE Contact me via private messege, guys.

I wish you have a nice day. :)
well, i just thought i'd try the web upload option, all was going ok=), started with 4 files. now, i'm stuck at 34%:facepalm:..GGGEEEZZZ!!!!!
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