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Please check my account

Please check my account, My money payment host wupload to my Webmoney , but i don't show money in my webmoney.
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Please check my account, My money payment host wupload to my Webmoney (************), but i don't show money in my webmoney.
Account: *************
Please repley : **********


As soon as possible!

You should send PM to Willy with your details! You will get answer asap.

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I added 120 files for RU and they got...lost:facepalm:

Every day means one more problem...:facepalm:

Wu got banned in a popular forum I posted and I got banned as well because I posted WU links...:facepalm:

I feel like I am trying to achieve something impossible, earn money from a filehost that keeps embarrassing their affiliates, in every possible way.:facepalm::facepalm::facepalm::facepalm:

You are probably facepalm lover... Anyway, there is probably a bug.

Again, Willy will come here and ask about the links, the location and BLAH, BLAH, BLAH...:facepalm:

The same thing, always. It's like this host is making one step forward and three steps back.

Quitting WU as well, got to find a host that DOESN'T MOCK AFFILIATES!

Edit: @Tushavi: Don't really care if anything is solved temporarily. And about the filesize: 2 GB for free users limit? Tell me, how many people actually have the ability (line speed) to download 2 GB in a decent time frame? Whenever I posted such large links, I got very few dl's (if any), as whenever I posted smaller files, it was better. Large files are unpopular because few people can actually download them.

And one last thing: I added files to RU, and went to stats page. When I tried to visit the RU page, the files were GONE!:facepalm:

I haven't seen anything like that ever before!:facepalm:

Like I say, it's probably a bug and will be fixed asap. :)

WIlly will ask for that because without information he could not help us :) i have problem too...but i will pm the links :) you have to do the same guys :)

You are absolutely right. :)

WU is banned from FIleserve, do something Willy.X-(


im premium
how to see how many GBs that i've been used? :O

I don't know. Most likely there is no way...

Best Regards,
Low stats...its strange to see me say this,but i were getting 1.50-2$ a day and now only 1$ with luck..btw this happened again to me some weeks ago..they were just 2 days,btw its not so bad,i just earned 3$ instead of 4-5$ (y) pacience
I send link examples 3 days ago bu neither you pay out to me nor answer my sending mails. I blame you, you can just answer to me. It is bull shit. :@
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